

View synonyms for unquestionably


[ uhn-kwes-chuh-nuh-blee ]


  1. in a way that is beyond question or doubt; certainly:

    Can you say that he is unquestionably guilty of this crime?

  2. in a way that is above criticism or without exception:

    As a wife and mother, she is unquestionably devoted.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of unquestionably1

First recorded in 1610–20; unquestionab(le) ( def ) + -ly ( def )
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Example Sentences

She’s a progressive pragmatist that’s unquestionably qualified.

Ossoff has lurched even further to the left since his failed Congressional bid in 2017 and unquestionably supports the Democrats' radical, socialist agenda in his Senate campaign.

As he faced off with these low-level villains, viewers would have eventually felt bored or, worse, like he was an unquestionably good guy with unimpeachable motives.

From Vox

Rising Phoenix, which covers the remarkable feats of Paralympic Games athletes, is unquestionably fun to watch.

This focus on aesthetics leads to the conclusion that “both sides do it” since you can unquestionably find funny-looking maps drawn by both Democratic and Republican state legislatures.

From Vox

In other words, the author sounds like an unquestionably worthy candidate and a writer you wish you knew more about.

The focus showed in his performance, with T-Rex unquestionably winning all three rounds.

Obama instead attended a pair of political fundraisers, though one was for Sen. Dick Durbin and was unquestionably worthwhile.

If the US commander is told to “conduct” a series of tactical tasks with 10,000 troops, he will unquestionably succeed.

While Murthy is unquestionably accomplished, there is one major gap in his résumé: He has never served as a traditional doctor.

They are unquestionably penitent now; but then, you know, they have the recollection of very recent suffering fresh upon them.

The state of combination of the soil constituents unquestionably exercise a most important influence on its fertility.

Unquestionably he stood aloof from the battle, watching its progress at a safe distance.

In this change of attitude his artistic sensibility unquestionably played a part.

It is, unquestionably a finer head than that which at present figures upon the shoulders of the famous statue.




