

View synonyms for undressed


[ uhn-drest ]


  1. wearing few or no clothes.
  2. wearing informal clothing or clothing not meant to be worn in public.
  3. not dressed; not specially prepared:

    undressed poultry; an undressed salad.

  4. (of leather) having a napped finish on the flesh side.


/ ʌnˈdrɛst /


  1. partially or completely naked
  2. (of an animal hide) not fully processed
  3. (of food, esp salad) not prepared with sauce or dressing
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • semi·un·dressed adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of undressed1

late Middle English word dating back to 1400–50; un- 1, dress, -ed 2
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Example Sentences

“The next thing I remember was coming to on his couch while being undressed,” wrote Tarshis.

They are an undressed salad compared to a Pacific wild salmon.

“A transgender friend, a mob attacked her and undressed her in public,” Byarugaba said.

Three and half days after his birth/death, I undressed my son, changed his nappy, bathed him, and dressed him in an outfit.

Zeal had undressed, extended himself on the bed, and covered his body with an eider-down quilt.

The Tony of the Play withdrew, the real Tony stood discovered, undressed—by no means admirable.

Finally, however, she undressed, shuddering although the room was warmed by an electric radiator.

On going into the chamber I saw my father there, undressed, when the apparition instantly faded away.

Her hair, perfectly undressed, was combed off her forehead, and hung down her back in its full length behind.





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