


[ uhn-di-sil-yuhn ]


, plural un·de·cil·lions, (as after a numeral) un·de·cil·lion.
  1. a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 36 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 66 zeros.


  1. amounting to one undecillion in number.
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Other Words From

  • unde·cillionth adjective noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of undecillion1

1930–35; < Latin undec ( im ) eleven ( ūn ( us ) one + -decim, combining form of decem ten ) + -illion, as in million
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Example Sentences

"An undecillion is ten raised to the 36th power," Freddy sighed, fearing that he wasn't getting through to Willy.


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More About Undecillion

What does undecillion mean? 

In the United States, undecillion is the name of the number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 10³⁶

In Great Britain, an undecillion is the name of a number represented by 1 followed by 66 zeroes, or 10⁶⁶.

Because 1 undecillion is such a large number, you won’t often see it used. One of the most notable uses of undecillion is in the study of atoms. The ratio of electric force to gravitational force between two protons is roughly equal to one undecillion. Another notable use is in computing and internet infrastructure discussions. Under internet protocol version 6 (IPv6), the maximum number of IP addresses the global protocol can contain is around 340 undecillion.

You’re more likely to see undecillion used figuratively to mean a large unknown amount, as in There are, like, 40 undecillion flavor choices, and I can’t decide!

Example: This code cipher has over 1 undecillion possible combinations, making it nearly impossible to decode.

Where does undecillion come from?

The first records of the term undecillion are from around the 1930s. It comes from the Latin ūn, meaning “one,” -decem, meaning “10,” and -illion, as in “million.” 

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to undecillion?

  • undecillionth (adjective, noun)

What are some words that share a root or word element with undecillion

What are some words that often get used in discussing undecillion?

How is undecillion used in real life?

Undecillion is an extremely large number that is normally only used in specific scientific or mathematical contexts. Because of its size, undecillion is sometimes used figuratively.


Try using undecillion!

True or False?

In the United States, an undecillion is the same as 10³⁶, or 1 with 36 zeros after it.



