

View synonyms for unambiguous


[ uhn-am-big-yoo-uhs ]


  1. not ambiguous, or unclear; distinct; unequivocal:

    The object of the experiment was to reach an unambiguous conclusion about climate change.


/ ˌʌnæmˈbɪɡjʊəs /


  1. not ambiguous; clear

    an unambiguous message

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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  • unam·bigu·ous·ly adverb
  • unam·bigu·ous·ness noun
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That may be, in part, because those symptoms—characteristic of AMS or HAPE—might be unambiguous enough to prompt you to turn back before it’s too late.

The computer vision team needs to establish an unambiguous set of rules that describe what quality means in the context of their project.

Google’s recommendation is to remove as many constraints as possible and give the bid automation a single clear goal that is supported by unambiguous conversion data.

The only unambiguous feature of the Bad Brains’ sound is speed.

To become an unambiguous success, however, Coach Vlatko Andonovski needed to see goals.

But time and history will render an unambiguous verdict on this matter, as Rubio shall soon see.

The judicial consensus in favor of the freedom to marry is unambiguous, bipartisan, and unprecedented.

The first unambiguous evidence of fortification walls dates from around 4300 BC in what is now Turkey.

It can be implicit and it can be body language, but it must be clear and unambiguous.

What is unambiguous is the risk, which can be significant even if you know where the raw milk is coming from.

The answer of formal logic (adopted moreover by Kant and followed in some way by all neo-Kantian logics) is unambiguous.

They are simply the most unambiguous and best defined objects of perception which can be secured to serve as signs.

She presses her suit, looks at him in an unambiguous manner, and "he only owes his virtue to her extraordinary ugliness."

Nature can only give a correct and unambiguous answer to the question you put it when it is clearly and distinctly proposed.

Not only does our record tell us nothing of courts in unambiguous words, but it hardly has a word that will answer to our court.


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