

View synonyms for triumphal


[ trahy-uhm-fuhl ]


  1. of, pertaining to, celebrating, or commemorating a triumph or victory:

    a triumphal banquet; a triumphal ode.


/ traɪˈʌmfəl /


  1. celebrating a triumph

    a triumphal procession

  2. resembling triumph
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of triumphal1

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English word from Latin word triumphālis. See triumph, -al 1
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Example Sentences

These massive military complexes were used for training new recruits, creating supply and reinforcements points, providing royal escorts, and even parading troops during triumphal occasions.

Only once it arrived did NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine release a triumphal statement.

From Time

He was guaranteed $10,000 a night, his singles were million sellers, he was booked for a triumphal tour of England….

Hollywood's take on the Middle East wars has ranged from cerebral to resigned, but its latest is a classic triumphal war movie.

"We'll have your triumphal chariot waiting outside to bring you back to your hotel tonight," the auctioneer joked.

In contrast to the ecstatic mood of his partisans, the president was the opposite of triumphal.

On May 13, Indian democracy served up one of its most triumphal stories.

Bonaparte made his public entry into Milan under a triumphal arch.

Then I went home, and all the way is so thronged with people to see the triumphal arches, that I could hardly pass for them.

The city is ornamented profusely with statues and triumphal arches; the most splendid is the Arch of Triumph.

A triumphal arch had been erected in the street, on which stood a number of gaily dressed maidens.

I dreamed for you a triumphal march of powerful harmonies, a genius, a superman, such as only you deserve.


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More About Triumphal

What does triumphal mean?

Triumphal means involving, relating to, or celebrating a triumph—an especially significant or noteworthy victory or success.

In many cases, triumphal means about the same thing as the more commonly used triumphant—experiencing, celebrating, or having achieved a triumph.

Triumph is also commonly used as a verb meaning to win, succeed, or be victorious in an epic or spectacular way. An army can triumph over enemy forces. In stories, good triumphs over evil. A person might be said to triumph over cancer.

Triumphal is especially used in situations in which victory or success has come after great difficulty, adversity, or sacrifice, or over an opponent considered difficult to defeat.

Sometimes, triumphal describes the state of joy or celebration following a victory or success that is considered a triumph, as in A triumphal feeling filled her as she realized she had won the election. 

Example: A triumphal victory parade has been planned to celebrate the championship.

Where does triumphal come from?

The first records of the word triumphal come from the 1400s. Triumph is first recorded much earlier, before 900. It ultimately comes from the Greek thríambos, meaning “hymn to Dionysus,” the Greek god of wine and celebration.

A triumph is an epic win. Triumphal is especially used in the context of victory in battles and things that are likened to battles—such as sporting events and long bouts with serious illnesses. It is especially used to describe the celebrations of such victories. To make a triumphal entrance is to enter a place as a winner, especially in celebration.

A triumphal arch is a structure that commemorates some victory, usually a military one. A famous example is Paris’s Arc de Triomphe (“Arch of Triumph”), which was constructed to honor Napoleon’s victorious armies.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to triumphal?

What are some synonyms for triumphal?

What are some words that share a root or word element with triumphal

What are some words that often get used in discussing triumphal?

How is triumphal used in real life?

Triumphal is typically used in situations involving epic or spectacular victories or successes—and the celebrations that follow.



Try using triumphal!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of triumphal?

A. victorious
B. tragic
C. triumphant
D. exultant




triumphtriumphal arch