

traffic pattern


  1. Aeronautics. a system of courses about an airfield that aircraft are assigned to fly when taking off, landing, or preparing to land.
  2. any systematic movement of people or vehicles:

    The kitchen was designed to accommodate the family's traffic pattern.

traffic pattern


  1. a pattern of permitted lanes in the air around an airport to which an aircraft is restricted
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Computers monitoring streams of electrical activity, picked up by a brain implant or a removable electrode cap, learn to recognize how the traffic pattern changes when a person makes an intended limb movement.

These are spots where traffic patterns collide, and the tens of thousands of ships underway on the world’s oceans at any given moment come together in tightly managed traffic schemes.

From Time

While the overall traffic patterns remain the same, looking at individual pages was quite interesting.

American Vogue reported similar traffic patterns as its fellow international sites in May, according to Anna-Lisa Yabsley, executive director of content strategy.

From Digiday

The Northern Virginia operations were severely affected by changes in traffic patterns during the pandemic — more so than Transurban’s operations in Australia and Montreal.

Besides, you still haven't told us where the blazing hells you've been to create such an unusual traffic pattern.

He'd had to wait several minutes in the traffic pattern before being given clearance for anchoring.

The speed rose to eighty and steadied as the car settled into its place in the traffic pattern.

Nothin' to do but watch for people breakin' traffic pattern.





traffic managertraffic sign