

View synonyms for toxemia


or tox·ae·mi·a

[ tok-see-mee-uh ]


, Pathology.
  1. blood poisoning resulting from the presence of toxins, as bacterial toxins, in the blood.


/ tŏk-sēmē-ə /

  1. A condition in which the blood contains bacterial toxins disseminated from a local source of infection or metabolic toxins resulting from organ failure or other disease.
  2. Also called blood poisoning

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Word History and Origins

Origin of toxemia1

First recorded in 1855–60; tox(o)- + -emia
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Example Sentences

They suffer, however, from a slow, continuous intestinal toxemia or poison.

It is possible in some instances that the eruption may be an expression of a mild toxemia of gastro-intestinal origin.

It is the general opinion that in the majority of instances there is no systemic toxemia.

The most common immediate exciting cause during pregnancy is toxemia from faulty metabolism and excretion.

It is usually impossible to differentiate in pregnancy a lighting up of an old nephritis from a toxemia.





toxaphenetoxemia of pregnancy