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[ tak-tish-uhn ]


  1. a person who is adept in planning tactics. tactics.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of tactician1

First recorded in 1790–1800; tactic + -ian
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Example Sentences

Of course, behind all of this is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, as sharp a tactician as any in the GOP.

From TIme

Instead the Niners coaches are just master tacticians, hyper focused on finding little edges in how they disguise their plays.

Perhaps that’s because his character was modeled after the Dallas Cowboys’ Hall of Fame head coach Tom Landry, an undeniably great tactician and one of the first people in the NFL to use an analytical process to manage a team.

And as one of the initial organizers of the Federalist Society, he is a skilled political tactician.

He was bluff, inspirational to the men, a brilliant tactician.

Vladimir Putin, says John Browne, the former chief executive of BP, is a master tactician.

He described the Israeli leader as “an ideologue and a tactician, but not a gifted strategist.”

Rove is a master tactician, but not necessarily a great judge of political horseflesh.

Further, excellent as he was as a strategist and tactician, the details of administration bored him.

A leader of men rather than a tactician or strategist, he played on the enthusiasm of his soldiers by example rather than precept.

Though no great strategist or tactician, he was an able leader of men, and had the faculty of enforcing obedience to his orders.

This officer had distinguished himself as a brilliant tactician; he was known as "fighting Joe;" but he was rash.

The taking of Caracas in 1595 showed him as not only an able leader, but as an extraordinarily gifted tactician.





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