

View synonyms for surmountable


[ ser-moun-tuh-buhl ]


  1. (of a difficulty or challenge) able to be overcome; manageable:

    The task of reducing corruption is daunting, to say the least, but the challenges are surmountable.

  2. (of a physical barrier or high place) able to be climbed or to be gotten past or over:

    The low mountain range acts as a surmountable geographical barrier between the two regions, allowing access but still creating regional identities.

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Other Words From

  • sur·mount·a·ble·ness noun
  • un·sur·mount·a·ble adjective
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Example Sentences

Katie believed she could surmount any challenge she faced even as she remained highly dependent on her family — “Team Katie Stevo,” they call themselves — to advance.

Either one of these alone is surmountable for a skilled and ambitious politician.

Her successes come easy enough to her that any obstacles seem surmountable.

Sometimes, it bothers me when the problems that come between people are easily surmountable.

To be sure, the rent conrol issues are daunting, but they're at least theoretically surmountable.

We also seem to be on the edge of a new continent, separated not by oceans but by subtle and surmountable psychic conditions.

Finally, she guessed Berthas present difficulty; and it seemed easily surmountable.

When a foreign language ceases to offer such surmountable difficulties, we leave it for something else that does offer them.

He had counted upon all obstacles but this; and all other obstacles were surmountable, but this was insurmountable.

Once at least within historic memory the barrier of the Caucasus had proved to be surmountable.




