


[ suhn-flou-er ]


  1. any of various composite plants of the genus Helianthus, as H. annuus, having showy, yellow-rayed flower heads often 12 inches (30 centimeters) wide, and edible seeds that yield an oil with a wide variety of uses: the state flower of Kansas.
  2. Also called as·ter [as, -ter]. Furniture. a conventionalized flower motif carved in the center panels of a Connecticut chest.


/ ˈsʌnˌflaʊə /


  1. any of several American plants of the genus Helianthus, esp H. annuus, having very tall thick stems, large flower heads with yellow rays, and seeds used as food, esp for poultry: family Asteraceae (composites) See also Jerusalem artichoke
  2. sunflower seed oil
    the oil extracted from sunflower seeds, used as a salad oil, in the manufacture of margarine, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sunflower1

First recorded in 1555–65; translation of Latin flōs sōlis “flower of the sun”
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Example Sentences

When I heard the news that it was okay to feed the birds again, I poured shelled sunflower seeds into the throat of my Squirrel Buster Classic and hung it on the shepherd’s crook in my backyard.

She chose sunflower seeds and planted them — and years later, she chose the Simple Sunflower as the name for her group.

Divide among the serving plates and top with the blueberries, toasted sunflower seeds and scallion greens.

In a small, dry skillet over medium-high heat, toast the sunflower seeds, stirring frequently, until fragrant and a shade darker, about 3 minutes.

One example is a 3D printed sunflower embedded with sensors that blossoms or closes depending on heat, force, and light.

Alexey, one of the refugees camping in Sviatohirsk, owns a sunflower seed warehouse in Sloviansk.

You can also use sunflower oil or ghee, which is essentially clarified butter.

Brewer's veto comes a week after the Kansas State Senate rejected a similar bill in the Sunflower State.

Last year, Sprouts bought Sunflower Farmers Market, a 37-store chain.

Balanced on top of the wagon were a sunflower plant and a stack of photos.

Wolff has illustrated this point by a series of experiments on the sunflower, of which we shall quote one.

Saussure made similar experiments, and observed that the quantity of water exhaled by a sunflower amounted to about 220 lb.

Delicate, refined, perfectly poised, and Kitty beside her like a sunflower to a sprig of heliotrope!

And at last he found a fine seat on a tall sunflower, from which he could view every move that was made.

The chief produce of these tracts of unmixed sand is the sunflower, often the dense and almost exclusive occupant.





sunfishSunflower State