

View synonyms for suggestion


[ suhg-jes-chuhn, suh- ]


  1. the act of suggesting.
  2. the state of being suggested.
  3. something suggested, as a piece of advice:

    We made the suggestion that she resign.

  4. a slight trace:

    He speaks with a suggestion of a foreign accent.

  5. the calling up in the mind of one idea by another by virtue of some association or of some natural connection between the ideas.
  6. the idea thus called up.
  7. Psychology.
    1. the process of inducing a thought, sensation, or action in a receptive person without using persuasion and without giving rise to reflection in the recipient.
    2. the thought, sensation, or action induced in this way.


/ səˈdʒɛstʃən /


  1. something that is suggested
  2. a hint or indication

    a suggestion of the odour of violets

  3. psychol the process whereby the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive individual leads to the acceptance of that idea See also autosuggestion
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • counter·sug·gestion noun
  • nonsug·gestion noun
  • presug·gestion noun
  • self-sug·gestion noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of suggestion1

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English suggestio(u)n “incitement to evil,” from Medieval Latin suggestiōn-, stem of suggestiō, Latin: “addition, hint”; equivalent to suggest + -ion
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Synonym Study

See advice.
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Example Sentences

Goulette knows this suggestion is so laughably distasteful and naive to those in power that uttering it as the director of a nonprofit like the Watershed Research and Training Center gets you kicked out of the room.

There have even been suggestions that turnout exceeded 100% at some polling stations.

Prominent political scientist Christian Hacke has been direct in his suggestions for Berlin to build a nuclear arsenal.

From Ozy

I’ve heard a suggestion that developers could potentially offer a better experience to users who opt in to tracking and a lesser experience for those who opt out.

From Digiday

Your customers will gradually get hooked to the products you offer and the buyer-relation suggestions you provide.

That suggestion turns absurd when you consider the long list of corrupt Democrat politicians Lynch has sent to prison.

At the suggestion of founder Maneesh Goyal, the company went with a Pee-wee Herman theme.

When asked by a public radio why Cuomo sounded as if he was encouraging Clinton to run, he smiled and dismissed the suggestion.

But Hagel just as quickly shut down the suggestion, saying he was disinclined to review the policy formally.

These witnesses should be of the same gender as the employee, to avoid any suggestion of a “sexual subtext”.

His brows came together in a frown, from which the Seneschal argued that his suggestion was not well received.

I was expecting this suggestion to be carried out; but they did nothing of the kind.

The fat boy almost laughed again when he heard this suggestion.

He was looking at me with eyebrows arched, curiously, and there was a faint suggestion of hostility in the set of his mouth.

The recognition did not lessen the reality, the poignancy of the revelation by any suggestion or promise of instability.


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More About Suggestion

What does suggestion mean?

A suggestion is a proposal, piece of advice, or idea for consideration.

Suggestion is the noun form the verb suggest. Suggestion is often used with the verbs offer and make, as in the common question, Can I make a suggestion? 

In psychology, suggestion has a more specific meaning: the process in which the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive person leads to the acceptance of that idea.

Example: After explaining his new business plan, Tom told his colleagues that he was open to suggestions and other feedback.

Where does suggestion come from?

Beware of suggestions—the word comes from a Middle English term meaning “incitement to evil.” The first records of suggestion come from the 1300s. In fact, suggestion preceded the verb suggest in English. Both suggest and suggestion ultimately derive from the Latin verb suggerere, meaning “to build up, supply, hint, suggest.”

Suggestions are ideas, usually for how something should be done or how something could be improved. You probably make suggestions to your friends all the time about both big things (like where you think they should work) and small things (like where you should meet for dinner). Employees sometimes submit suggestions to the (often virtual) suggestion box at work, and companies often ask customers to send comments and suggestions. Suggestions are made to people who may or may not act on them—the word typically implies that it’s optional. To that end, when someone gives you advice but wants to emphasize that they’re not pressuring you to take it or act on it, they often end by saying just a suggestion. Someone who is willing to consider advice is said to be open to suggestions. Relatedly but less commonly, suggestion can be used to mean “a trace or hint of something,” as in The flavor of this chocolate has a faint suggestion of coffee. 

In psychology, suggestion refers to the practice of implanting an idea in the mind of someone, often simply by mentioning it. This is often done to influence the person’s actions or behavior. This sense is seen in the phrase the power of suggestion, which refers to how effective it can be.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to suggestion?

  • suggest (verb)
  • countersuggestion (noun)
  • nonsuggestion (noun)
  • presuggestion (noun)
  • self-suggestion (noun)

What are some synonyms for suggestion?

What are some words that share a root or word element with suggestion

What are some words that often get used in discussing suggestion?


How is suggestion used in real life?

Suggestion is a very common word that’s used in many contexts. It’s often seen in phrases like here’s a suggestion, just a suggestion, and Can I make a suggestion?



Try using suggestion!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of suggestion?

A. idea
B. proposal
C. order
D. recommendation



