
View synonyms for stabilize


[ stey-buh-lahyz ]

verb (used with object)

, sta·bi·lized, sta·bi·liz·ing.
  1. to make or hold stable, firm, or steadfast.
  2. to maintain at a given or unfluctuating level or quantity:

    The government will try to stabilize the cost of living.

  3. Aeronautics. to put or keep (an aircraft) in stable equilibrium, as by some special device.

verb (used without object)

, sta·bi·lized, sta·bi·liz·ing.
  1. to become stabilized.


/ ˈsteɪbɪˌlaɪz /


  1. to make or become stable or more stable
  2. to keep or be kept stable
  3. to put or keep (an aircraft, vessel, etc) in equilibrium by one or more special devices, or (of an aircraft, vessel, etc) to become stable
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˌstabiliˈzation, noun
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Other Words From

  • re·stabi·lize verb (used with object) restabilized restabilizing
  • self-stabi·lized adjective
  • self-stabi·lizing adjective
  • un·stabi·lized adjective
  • un·stabi·lizing adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of stabilize1

1860–65; stabile + -ize; compare French stabiliser
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Example Sentences

Both are worsened by human development of natural lands that would otherwise allow species to flourish and would store atmosphere-warming carbon, stabilizing the climate.

Very quickly, probably around the beginning of April, we started to see our business stabilize.

From Fortune

Ultimately the goal to resolve the manual spam action was met, which helped to stabilize Google visibility somehow, albeit not at a level as high as prior to penalization.

As people learn to live with the uncertainty of what has become quite a lengthy issue, these industries are stabilizing and those companies involved need to really build on their strengths to stand out.

This results in the rate of deposition gradually plateauing until the two processes balance out and the number of CNTs stabilizes.

This gave the Germans time to stabilize and dig in on the “hedgerow front” before St. Lô.

And if he can stabilize this sliver of the country, it could prevent another devastating war.

It's going to require us to stabilize Syria in some fashion.

He says again and again that he hopes Russia will cooperate to stabilize the situation in Ukraine.

In the delicate efforts to stabilize Ukraine that lie ahead, shale gas will not be very important over the short term.

This doubtless tended to eliminate cut-throat competition and thus stabilize the industry.

Secretary Redfield undertook to stabilize prices by arbitrarily fixing them.

After the nitration, the acid is removed and the nitrocotton boiled up in water to stabilize it.

Yet it is plain that the effect of these dinners was to stabilize prices for steel.

Could he have simply claimed to have done so in an effort to stabilize his own power?





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