

View synonyms for squally


[ skwaw-lee ]


, squal·li·er, squal·li·est.
  1. characterized by squalls. squall.
  2. stormy; threatening.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of squally1

First recorded in 1710–20; squall 1 + -y 1
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Example Sentences

Their marriage is squally: Cristina had been a dentist in Mexico, but her qualification means nothing in Nebraska.

In the squally pit of criticism, Wood is the brightest beacon and the biggest target.

The ensuing day the weather was still squally and unsettled.

"Looks rather squally in Europe," Courtney observed, as the dice were deciding the privilege of signing the check.

Matters look squally ahead, no hay, and grass not an ell high, and growing downwards at that.

I've been a listenin' to you and that lubber that doesn't know a whale's a fish, and it looks squally to me.

On the 9th at nine o'clock in the morning the weather became squally and a body of thick black clouds collected in the east.





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