

View synonyms for somber


[ som-ber ]


  1. gloomily dark; shadowy; dimly lighted:

    a somber passageway.

    Synonyms: sunless, murky, dusky

    Antonyms: bright

  2. dark and dull, as color, or as things in respect to color:

    a somber dress.

  3. gloomy, depressing, or dismal:

    a somber mood.

    Synonyms: melancholy, doleful, mournful, lugubrious

    Antonyms: cheerful

  4. extremely serious; grave:

    a somber expression on his face.

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Other Words From

  • somber·ly adverb
  • somber·ness noun
  • un·somber adjective
  • un·somber·ly adverb
  • un·somber·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of somber1

First recorded in 1750–60; from French, Middle French sombre, probably noun derivative of sombrer (unrecorded) “to make shady,” from Vulgar Latin subumbrāre (unrecorded), from Latin sub- sub- + umbrāre “to cast a shadow” (derivative of umbra “shade, shadow”)
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Example Sentences

You’d expect that people who’ve endured the tragedy of the Khmer Rouge would be somber.

A moving and somber opening ceremony ended with the traditional lighting of the Olympic cauldron—a prestigious honor that is typically given to a former athlete from the host country or a person who represents Olympic values.

From Quartz

Back in 1948, in bombed-out London, the Games were even more somber.

Unfortunately, our recent breakfasts have been much more somber.

From Time

While this is a somber anniversary that we must honor and remember the tragedy, it is also a time to reflect on what our community has accomplished as a result of this horrific event.

But mostly they just walked, their faces somber, their hands shaking as the snow began to fall.

It was both stylish and somber while being suitably grand for the formality of the occasion.

It was an intimate and somber plea, like a parent opening an intervention with a wayward child.

After Republicans took control of the Senate and made gains in the House, Democrats were in a somber, reflective mood.

“I think if anybody saw real fame first or secondhand, they would not want to pursue it at all,” says a somber Culkin.

But there was no shadow ahead of him this night; there was no somber thing to bend down the high serenity of his happy heart.

He was a dark, somber looking man with a particularly ugly scar on his chin.

The deep, dull murmurings of the multitude swelled in unison with the sighings of the storm rising upon the somber night.

While Jos spoke, something akin to kindness crept through the hard, somber lines, the lips twitched and the eyes softened.

The lodges of Fire Bear and his followers were placed in a circle, in a grove somber enough for Druidical sacrifice.




