

View synonyms for somatic


[ soh-mat-ik, suh- ]


  1. of the body; bodily; physical.

    Synonyms: corporal

    Antonyms: psychic

  2. Anatomy, Zoology. pertaining to the body wall of an animal.
  3. Cell Biology. pertaining to or affecting the somatic cells, as distinguished from the germ cells.


/ səʊˈmætɪk /


  1. of or relating to the soma

    somatic cells

  2. of or relating to an animal body or body wall as distinct from the viscera, limbs, and head
  3. of or relating to the human body as distinct from the mind

    a somatic disease

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ sō-mătĭk /

  1. Relating to the body.
  2. ◆ The cells of the body with the exception of the reproductive cells (gametes) are known as somatic cells.
  3. See Note at mitosis

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Derived Forms

  • soˈmatically, adverb
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Other Words From

  • so·mati·cal·ly adjective
  • unso·matic adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of somatic1

1765–75; < Greek sōmatikós of, pertaining to the body, equivalent to sōmat- somat- + -ikos -ic
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Word History and Origins

Origin of somatic1

C18: from Greek sōmatikos concerning the body, from sōma the body
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Example Sentences

For example, a pivotal 2012 study by Harvard geneticist Christopher Walsh and his colleagues uncovered evidence that somatic mutations were the root cause of some forms of epilepsy.

They concluded that the somatic changes in DNA that create a mosaic accumulate “slowly but inexorably with age in the normal human brain.”

This process is known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, and it’s how Kurt the horse was born, as well as Dolly the sheep.

So, compassion for patients can reduce symptoms of depression, reduce symptoms of anxiety, reduce emotional distress associated with somatic illnesses like having cancer.

Slicing somatic cells, however, which include all cells aside from sperm and egg cells, would only affect the individual being treated.

And 44 years down the line I still get that… I still get that very strange, bodily, somatic thing.

They have all kinds of somatic pains, body pains that come and go.

Thomas attributed her knowledge of the body to years of dancing and studying somatic experience, or trauma healing.

The outer or somatic wall of the plates retains its previous simple constitution.

In the rudimentary outgrowth to form the limbs the mesoblast cells of the somatic layer are crowded in an especially dense manner.

It is probable also, though this point is less certain, that the skeleton would be derived from the somatic layer.

The diverticula from the alimentary cavity form the water-vascular system and the somatic and splanchnic layers of mesoblast.

In the appendage-bearing segments the somatic layer is continued up into the appendages.





somat-somatic cell