

View synonyms for smoker


[ smoh-ker ]


  1. a person or thing that smokes.
  2. Railroads.
    1. Also called smoking car. a passenger car for those who wish to smoke.
    2. a compartment for those who wish to smoke.
  3. an informal gathering, especially of men, for entertainment, discussion, or the like.
  4. an enclosed metal box or similar device for smoking meats, poultry, or fish.
  5. British. smoking-concert.


/ ˈsməʊkə /


  1. a person who habitually smokes tobacco
  2. Also calledsmoking compartment a compartment of a train where smoking is permitted
  3. an informal social gathering, as at a club
  4. a vent on the ocean floor from which hot water and minerals erupt
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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  • anti·smoker noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of smoker1

First recorded in 1590–1600; smoke + -er 1
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Example Sentences

He’s known for building his own smokers, pits, and other tools like masa-grinding stones for fresh corn tortillas.

From Eater

The first is “cross-border shopping,” where smokers are willing to drive farther to go to a bar in a neighboring jurisdiction that allows smoking, thereby increasing the number of miles driven after drinking.

From Vox

These studies offered smokers rewards that ranged from $45 to $700.

In the past year, only 3 percent of smokers have used Juul to quit.

From Vox

In the meantime, the pitmaster continues to push his gas-assist smoker in Adams Morgan to its limits, turning out often fetching barbecue despite the constraints.

In St. Vincent, the actor plays a foulmouthed, alcoholic chain smoker with no regard for anyone but himself.

In 2009 a former heavy smoker sued Philip Morris and was awarded $300 million.

One day I was stunned to see that a particular favorite was a gaunt chain-smoker.

She was by then a regular pipe smoker, consuming two ounces of Gold Block a week.

Even a half-a-pack-a-day smoker now drops almost $200.00 per month on the habit.

"The Smoker," and "Mother and Daughter," a triptych, are two of her principal pictures.

The following lines from the same source have been very appropriately called "The Smoker's Calendar."

In European cities juveniles offer the smoker, at every street corner, a "pipe" or a "cigar light."

I will make Smoker seize the heifer if necessary; at all events, he will keep her at bay—that is, if she is here.

However, when he comes with the pony, we shall know; let us take our guns and the dog Smoker as he wishes.




