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[ seyt-n ]


  1. the chief evil spirit; the great adversary of humanity; the devil.


/ ˈseɪtən /


  1. the devil, adversary of God, and tempter of mankind: sometimes identified with Lucifer (Luke 4:5–8)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. The devil . In the Bible (see also Bible ), Satan is identified with the tempter who encourages the fall of Adam and Eve ; he is the accuser who torments Job in the hope that he will curse God; the one who offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus will worship him ( see Get thee behind me, Satan ); and the evil one who puts betrayal in the heart of Judas . Satan will one day be confined in hell , but until then he is free to roam the Earth .

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Satan has been depicted in many ways: as a man with horns, goat hooves, a pointed tail, a pointed beard, and a pitchfork; as a dragon; and sometimes as an angel with large batlike wings.
Satan is the power of darkness opposed to the light of Christ ; he is thus sometimes referred to as the Prince of Darkness.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of Satan1

before 900; Middle English, Old English < Late Latin < Greek Satân, Satán < Hebrew śātān adversary
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Word History and Origins

Origin of Satan1

Old English, from Late Latin, from Greek, from Hebrew: plotter, from sātan to plot against
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Example Sentences

Because when Satan wants to extinguish a light, he will stop at nothing.

And so, the horned god became Satan—and others in his demonic retinue.

Some historians say that the Christian church gave Satan horns to demonize the Wiccan faith.

Context: Rumored to be the last words of the French enlightenment writer, when a priest asked him to renounce Satan.

Besides, among most Satan-fearing Christians, things like confirmation and proof are overrated.

Iran will be strengthened in the region by virtue of the mere fact that it was able to bring the Great Satan to the table.

And the resolution to abandon Satan and his cause enters into the covenant engagement.

That will do, interrupted Satan, taking the violin from the little man, who bowed low and ceremoniously took his departure.

If he has painted vice and shown Satan in all his pomp, it is without the least complacence in the task.

I am certain that he is one of those devils who war against mankind, endowed by their Prince Satan with superhuman power.

"He would make Satan stand up and take off his hat, if he paid Hades a visit," said Mrs. Tynan admiringly.




