

radio waves

  1. Waves at the end of the electromagnetic spectrum with the lowest frequency (less than 300 megahertz ) and the longest wavelength (from a few feet to many miles). Because of their low frequency, radio waves carry very little energy compared to other electromagnetic waves . ( See Planck's constant .)

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Radio waves can pass through the atmosphere and therefore are very useful for communication. Commercial, short-wave, and citizens' band radio are broadcast with radio waves, as is television.
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Example Sentences

NFC means that the device will be able to communicate with other technology over short distances through radio waves.

The idea is fairly simple: take a sealed metal canister and fill it with radio waves, which are a low-energy form of light.

Decades of his unmistakable voice took over the radio waves, and news broadcasts dealt with little else.

Any risk comes not from the phone itself, of course, but from the radio waves it emits.

They have come from politicians or media figures, hammering home their point on a soapbox or over radio waves.

He pressed a button, and a needle swung instantly to point the direction whence the radio waves were coming.

We send sound, music by radio waves across half the world from our broadcasting stations.

The problem is the same 101 as with radio waves, which are also energy.

Light will conduct sound or radio waves even through a vacuum and this stuff I'm sending isn't so very different.

All radio waves used on interplanetary liners are shielded from interference.



