

View synonyms for private detective

private detective


  1. a detective who is not a member of an official force but is employed by private parties.

private detective


  1. an individual privately employed to investigate a crime, keep watch on a suspected person, or make other inquiries Also calledprivate investigator
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of private detective1

First recorded in 1865–70
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Example Sentences

Rong and the private detective met again, but the project in California fizzled out.

In San Dieguito, union officials hired a private detective to tail a school board member.

In San Dieguito, union officials hired a private detective to follow a school board member and another was forced out.

Even before he finished law school, he had founded a private detective agency and became an expert in the relatively new field of polygraphy, or lie-detector testing, a skill that would help trigger his meteoric rise.

Enter Raymond Schindler, a private detective who, like the mob that rushed the station, wielded a rope of his own.

Back in 2009, Crone told Parliament that the phone-hacking allegations concerned only one rogue reporter and a private detective.

But it did not take a private detective or a biographer like Walter Isaacson to uncover these transgressions.

Frustrated by the Portuguese authorities, they hired their own private detective to follow up on countless sightings and leads.

The very next morning,” Lorsch recalled, “I hired a private detective and found the bankruptcy.

Law enforcement was something of a family business: Two uncles were police officers and his grandfather was a private detective.

So did my versatile friend, joyously confident in his powers, start on his glorious career as a private detective.

He became a successful corporation lawyer and I starved for a while and then I became a private detective.

Allen was acting in two capacities at this time—that of lawyer and that of private detective.

In return the officials of the concern said they would put a private detective on the case, and this was done.

"Thank you;" he bowed over her hand, then turned to the private detective.





private companyprivate enterprise