

prima facie case


, Law.
  1. a case in which the evidence produced is sufficient to enable a decision or verdict to be made unless the evidence is rebutted.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of prima facie case1

First recorded in 1890–95
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Example Sentences

A prima facie case was made out and an order sent for his extradition.

Formerly it had taken much time for the Commission to prepare its formal orders and its prima facie case for the courts.

This directs research to a new quarter; but though a good prima facie case of suspicion is made out, that is all.

I should not dismiss my strong prima facie case against the likely person because of these difficulties.

The Negro was arrested and placed in Niagara jail; a prima facie case was made out and an order sent for his extradition.





prima facieprima facie evidence