

View synonyms for predisposed


[ pree-di-spohzd ]


  1. having or showing an inclination or tendency toward a specified condition, opinion, behavior, etc., beforehand:

    Many studies show how genes interact with the environment to cause disease in predisposed individuals.

    The novel is skillfully written, but in a style that requires close reading and a predisposed reader.


  1. the simple past tense and past participle of predispose ( def ).
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Other Words From

  • pre·dis·pos·ed·ly [pree-di-, spoh, -zid-lee, -, spohzd, -], adverb
  • pre·dis·pos·ed·ness noun
  • un·pre·dis·posed adjective
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Example Sentences

It’s possible in cases of covid-related reactions, Stukus said, that the virus is “unmasking somebody who is predisposed to have hives and swelling.”

Research has shown genes may predispose not only our height, eye color, or weight, but also our vulnerability to mental ill-health, longevity, intelligence, and impulsivity.

Yes, we’re each predisposed to do better in some events than others, and muscle fibers play a role.

If a tiny movement delay is enough to conjure up spirits, perhaps our brains are predisposed at some deep level to imagine ghosts are walking among us.

The harder question is what predisposes some runners more than others to this kind of damage.

Now, you have increased passage of gluten, and if you are genetically predisposed, you can develop celiac or gluten-intolerance.

Sometime during the flood, it seems, God came to peace with the idea that his creation was predisposed toward evil.

Humans are biologically predisposed to falling in love, naturally selected to bend towards that most intense social emotion.

Millennials, a generation shaped by GOP failure, are predisposed to vote Democratic.

But for the mind already planning such an act, or predisposed to such desires, the videogame provides a way for them to train.

Some slight injury in the abdomen, as from a blow or a kick, may precipitate an attack in predisposed individuals.

Predisposed by sympathy, he was soon drawn into the current of excitement and enthusiasm that was surging around him.

Another indication was that he found himself, in spite of such a break in the chain, distinctly predisposed to Nanda.

The renewed spectacle of his own wound had predisposed Robert to feel a great and tearful sympathy for himself.

There was another reflection also which mingled with these melancholy thoughts, and predisposed him to receive them.




