
View synonyms for place


[ pleys ]


  1. a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent.

    Synonyms: site, locality, locale, location

  2. space in general:

    time and place.

  3. the specific portion of space normally occupied by anything:

    Every item on the shelf had its place.

  4. any part or spot in a body or surface:

    a decayed place in a tree.

  5. a particular passage in a book or writing:

    to find the place where one left off reading.

  6. a space or seat for a person, as in a theater, train, etc.:

    Please save a place for me.

  7. position, situation, or circumstances:

    I would complain if I were in your place.

  8. a proper or appropriate location or position:

    A restaurant is not the place for an argument.

  9. a job, post, or office:

    persons in high places.

    Synonyms: employment, rank

  10. a function or duty:

    It is not your place to offer criticism.

    Synonyms: responsibility, charge

  11. proper sequence or relationship, as of ideas, details, etc.:

    My thoughts began to fall into place.

  12. high position or rank:

    aristocrats of power and place.

  13. a region or area:

    to travel to distant places.

    Synonyms: sector, section

  14. an open space, or square, as in a city or town.
  15. a short street, a court, etc.
  16. a portion of space used for habitation, as a city, town, or village:

    After decades of neglect and decay, those places are making a comeback thanks to urban renewal.

  17. a building, space, location, etc., set apart or used for a specific purpose: You are encouraged to dress modestly in places of worship.

    A nightclub is a place of entertainment.

    You are encouraged to dress modestly in places of worship.

  18. a part of a building:

    The kitchen is the sunniest place in the house.

  19. a residence, dwelling, or house:

    Please come and have dinner at my place.

  20. lieu; substitution (usually followed by of ):

    Use yogurt in place of sour cream.

  21. a step or point in order of proceeding:

    in the first place.

  22. a fitting or promising opportunity:

    There's a place in this town for a man of his talents.

  23. a reasonable ground or occasion:

    This is no place for such an outburst.

  24. a mental or emotional state:

    I’m not in a good place right now.

  25. Arithmetic.
    1. the position of a figure in a series, as in decimal notation.
    2. Usually places. the figures of the series.
  26. Drama. one of the three unities. Compare unity ( def 8 ).
  27. Sports.
    1. a position among the leading competitors, usually the first, second, or third at the finish line.
    2. the position of the competitor who comes in second in a horse race, harness race, etc. Compare show ( def 27 ), win 1( def 16 ).
  28. places, Theater. a call summoning performers for the beginning of a performance or an act.
  29. room or space for entry or passage:

    to make place for the crowds.

verb (used with object)

, placed, plac·ing.
  1. to put in the proper position or order; arrange; dispose:

    Place the silverware on the table for dinner.

    Synonyms: station, situate

  2. to put or set in a particular place, position, situation, or relation.
  3. to put in a suitable place for some purpose:

    to place an advertisement in the newspaper.

    Synonyms: seat, lay, deposit, set, locate

  4. to put into particular or proper hands:

    to place some incriminating evidence with the district attorney.

  5. to give (an order or the like) to a supplier:

    She placed the order for the pizza an hour ago.

  6. to appoint (a person) to a post or office:

    The president placed him in the Department of Agriculture.

    Synonyms: hire

  7. to find a place, situation, etc., for (a person):

    The agency had no trouble placing him with a good firm.

  8. to determine or indicate the place or value of:

    to place health among the greatest gifts in life.

  9. to assign a certain position or rank to:

    The army placed him in the infantry.

  10. to succeed in attaining a position for in an athletic or other contest:

    to place players on the all-American team; to place students in the finals of the interscholastic chess tournament.

  11. to identify by connecting with the proper place, circumstances, etc.:

    to be unable to place a person; to place a face; to place an accent.

  12. to employ (the voice) for singing or speaking with consciousness of the bodily point of emphasis of resonance of each tone or register.

verb (used without object)

, placed, plac·ing.
  1. Sports.
    1. to finish among the first three competitors in a race.
    2. to finish second in a horse race, harness race, etc.
  2. to earn a specified standing with relation to others, as in an examination, competition, etc.:

    He placed fifth in a graduation class of 90.



/ pleɪs /


  1. PlaceFrancis17711854MBritishPOLITICS: radical Francis. 1771–1854, British radical, who campaigned for the repeal (1824) of the Combination Acts, which forbade the forming of trade unions, and for parliamentary reform
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ pleɪs /


  1. a particular point or part of space or of a surface, esp that occupied by a person or thing
  2. a geographical point, such as a town, city, etc
  3. a position or rank in a sequence or order
    1. an open square lined with houses of a similar type in a city or town
    2. ( capital when part of a street name )

      Grosvenor Place

  4. space or room
  5. a house or living quarters
  6. a country house with grounds
  7. any building or area set aside for a specific purpose
  8. a passage in a book, play, film, etc

    to lose one's place

  9. proper or appropriate position or time

    he still thinks a woman's place is in the home

  10. right or original position

    put it back in its place

  11. suitable, appropriate, or customary surroundings (esp in the phrases out of place, in place )
  12. right, prerogative, or duty

    it is your place to give a speech

  13. appointment, position, or job

    a place at college

  14. position, condition, or state

    if I were in your place

    1. a space or seat, as at a dining table
    2. ( as modifier )

      place mat

  15. maths the relative position of a digit in a number See also decimal place
  16. any of the best times in a race
  17. horse racing
    1. the first, second, or third position at the finish
    2. the first or usually the second position at the finish
    3. ( as modifier )

      a place bet

  18. theatre one of the three unities See unity
  19. archaic.
    an important position, rank, or role
  20. all over the place
    in disorder or disarray
  21. another place
    parliamentary procedure
    1. (in the House of Commons) the House of Lords
    2. (in the House of Lords) the House of Commons
  22. give place to someone
    to make room for or be superseded by someone
  23. go places informal.
    1. to travel
    2. to become successful
  24. in place of
    1. instead of; in lieu of

      go in place of my sister

    2. in exchange for

      he gave her it in place of her ring

  25. know one's place
    to be aware of one's inferior position
  26. pride of place
    the highest or foremost position
  27. put someone in his place
    to humble someone who is arrogant, conceited, forward, etc
  28. take one's place
    to take up one's usual or specified position
  29. take the place of
    to be a substitute for
  30. take place
    to happen or occur
  31. the other place facetious.
    1. (at Oxford University) Cambridge University
    2. (at Cambridge University) Oxford University
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. to put or set in a particular or appropriate place
  2. to find or indicate the place of
  3. to identify or classify by linking with an appropriate context

    to place a face

  4. to regard or view as being

    to place prosperity above sincerity

  5. to make (an order, a bet, etc)
  6. to find a home or job for (someone)
  7. to appoint to an office or position
  8. often foll by with to put under the care (of)
  9. to direct or aim carefully
  10. passive to cause (a racehorse, greyhound, athlete, etc) to arrive in first, second, third, or sometimes fourth place
  11. intr (of a racehorse, greyhound, etc) to finish among the first three in a contest, esp in second position
  12. to invest (funds)
  13. to sing (a note) with accuracy of pitch
  14. to insert (an advertisement) in a newspaper, journal, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • place·a·ble adjective
  • place·less adjective
  • place·less·ly adverb
  • pre·place verb (used with object) preplaced preplacing
  • un·placed adjective
  • well-placed adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of place1

First recorded before 950; Middle English noun plaas, plas, a conflation of Old English plæce, plætse and Middle French place, plasse “space, available space,” from Medieval Latin placea, from Vulgar Latin plattea, from Latin platea, platēa “wide street, courtyard, area,” from Greek plateîa (hodós) “wide (street),” noun use of feminine of platýs “wide, broad, level”; verb derivative of the noun; flat 1, plate 1( def )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of place1

C13: via Old French from Latin platēa courtyard, from Greek plateia, from platus broad; compare French plat flat
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. give place to,
    1. to give precedence or priority to:

      Any local ordinance must give place to federal law.

    2. to be succeeded or replaced by:

      Travel by trains has given place to travel by airplanes.

  2. go places, Informal. to succeed or advance in one's career:

    He'll never go places if he stays in his hometown.

  3. in place,
    1. in the correct or usual position or order:

      Dinner is ready and everything is in place.

    2. in the same spot, without advancing or retreating:

      Stand by your desk and jog in place for a few minutes of exercise.

    3. in the place or building that one already occupies: Ninety percent of older adults would prefer to age in place, in their own homes and communities.

      Residents were asked to shelter in place during the storm—evacuation was deemed too risky.

      Ninety percent of older adults would prefer to age in place, in their own homes and communities.

  4. know / keep one's place, to recognize one's position or rank, especially if inferior, and behave or act accordingly:

    They treated their servants well but expected them always to know their place.

  5. out of place,
    1. not in the correct or usual position or order:

      The library books are all out of place.

    2. unsuitable to the circumstances or surroundings; inappropriate:

      He had always felt out of place in an academic environment. A green suit was out of place at the funeral.

  6. put someone in his / her place, to lower someone's self-esteem; humble, especially an arrogant person:

    She put me in my place by reminding me who was boss.

  7. take place, to happen; occur:

    The commencement exercises will take place outdoors unless it rains.

More idioms and phrases containing place

In addition to the idiom beginning with place , also see all over the place ; between a rock and a hard place ; fall in place ; friend in court (high places) ; go places ; have one's heart in the right place ; in place ; in someone's shoes (place) ; instead (in place) of ; in the first place ; jumping-off place ; know one's place ; out of place ; pride of place ; put someone in his or her place ; run in place ; take place ; take someone's place .
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Synonym Study

See position. See put.
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Example Sentences

Not only did they use them, but they could go to women setting up a new place to live.

There should be room for both views — and a time and a place to air them.

The amaro is an aromatic snapshot of a place I loved, and it has a powerful pull on my memory.

We wanted to make sure that we had something in place that more young players that thought this was right for them, they could take advantage of it.

I realized they were going places when Renee revealed to me that she and Willie were texting during our post-date interview.

The world that Black Dynamite lives in is not the most PC place to be in.

“This is the only place in the souk you can buy safety pins,” he said.

He hasn't bothered to visit Iguala, the place where the students were abducted and killed.

A place that has multiplied success for generation after generation of its children.

The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents.

This is the place where the Muscovite criminals are banished to, if they are not put to death.

He looked strangely out of place in the dusty combat uniform.

The associations of place recall her strange interview with Mr. Longcluse but a few months before.

As Spain, however, has fallen from the high place she once held, her colonial system has also gone down.

Give a sweet savour, and a memorial of fine flour, and make a fat offering, and then give place to the physician.


Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



