

View synonyms for pin down

pin down


  1. to force (someone) to make a decision or carry out a promise
  2. to define clearly

    he had a vague suspicion that he couldn't quite pin down

  3. to confine to a place

    the fallen tree pinned him down

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

While that cause may be safely discarded, the correct one is hard to pin down.

I did a little research and now, I mean, yikes, he's the guy that's okay with letting schools forcibly pin down autistic kids.

At one point in the Introduction, the coach opines, “history is hard to pin down.”

But in the current crisis, appropriately enough, the nature of a Cossack remains hard to pin down.

She spent an hour and a half on her bracket strategy, trying to pin down what kind of girl Galavis would be interested in.

By running the pin down into the sand all the way, you can make it look just like a goldpiece lying on the floor of the cave.

Shake gently and pin down smoothly on a sheet, being careful to stretch and pin each scallop in place.

Instead, he feinted with his club until he managed to pin down the venomous head.

Even that sweet green maiden-hair fern might pin down your foot so firmly that it would take a fish's sharp tooth to set you free.

Cephas brought the rolling-pin down upon the paste again with fierce impetus.



