


[ os-tee-oh-ahr-thrahy-tis ]


, Pathology.
  1. the most common form of arthritis, usually occurring after middle age, marked by chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling.


/ ˌɒstɪəʊɑːˈθrɪtɪk; ˌɒstɪəʊɑːˈθraɪtɪs /


  1. chronic inflammation of the joints, esp those that bear weight, with pain and stiffness Also calleddegenerative joint disease
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ŏs′tē-ō-är-thrītĭs /

  1. A form of arthritis, occurring mainly in older people, that is characterized by chronic degeneration of the cartilage of the joints.

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Derived Forms

  • osteoarthritic, adjectivenoun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of osteoarthritis1

First recorded in 1875–80; osteo- + arthritis
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Example Sentences

While older people are most susceptible to osteoarthritis, Grodzinsky has focused much of his research on younger people, particularly female athletes, who often develop the condition after knee injuries.

That releases inflammatory molecules known as cytokines and begins a process similar to what happens in osteoarthritis.

Glimcher wanted to start a research project on cartilage, the tough matrix of fibers that lines the joints, and on osteoarthritis, the chronic, painful disease that breaks that cartilage down.

The paper looks at a specific clinical example of the disparities that exist in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, an ailment which causes chronic pain.

Unity Biotechnology, which has developed an osteoarthritis treatment, and Celevity, focused on dog life extension, are just two of the interesting bets in the portfolio of the former Thiel Fellow.

This is a peculiar osteoarthritis observed in patients with locomotor ataxia.




