

View synonyms for one-sided


[ wuhn-sahy-did ]


  1. considering but one side of a matter or question; partial or unfair:

    a one-sided judgment.

  2. with one party, contestant, side, etc., vastly superior; unbalanced; unequal:

    a one-sided fight.

  3. existing or occurring on one side only.
  4. having but one side, or but one developed or finished side.
  5. having one side larger or more developed than the other.
  6. Law. involving the action of one person only.
  7. having the parts all on one side, as an inflorescence.



  1. considering or favouring only one side of a matter, problem, etc
  2. having all the advantage on one side
  3. larger or more developed on one side
  4. having, existing on, or occurring on one side only
  5. another term for unilateral
  6. denoting a surface on which any two points can be joined without crossing an edge See Möbius strip
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˌone-ˈsidedness, noun
  • ˌone-ˈsidedly, adverb
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Other Words From

  • one-sided·ly adverb
  • one-sided·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of one-sided1

First recorded in 1805–15
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Example Sentences

I find both “admirer” and “suitor” to be presumptuous and one-sided.

This is a real war, and a very one-sided one when it comes to technology and casualties.

The play was so one-sided that it does not merit detailed description.

The one-sided Jay Z melee was quickly forgotten, as tabloids printed news of a rekindled relationship between Drake and Rihanna.

My first conversation today with Shia LaBeouf was a little one-sided, to put it mildly.

A one-sided view of the Memory proclaims that if vivid First Impressions are made in all cases, that is enough.

Now, unless the interlocutor adopts the same method and declares what he would do, conversation is apt to become one-sided.

Nothing is more frequent than a one-sided contract, in which one party has gained far more than the other.

Marshal Marmont has been called one of Napoleon's failures, but this criticism is one-sided and unjust.

At the front it has a one-sided irregular look; and this is owing to the non-completion of a collateral spire.




