

View synonyms for nippy


[ nip-ee ]


, nip·pi·er, nip·pi·est.
  1. chilly or cold:

    morning air that feels a bit nippy.

  2. sharp or biting; tangy:

    This cheese has a good, nippy taste.

  3. Chiefly British Informal. nimble; agile.


/ ˈnɪpɪ /


  1. (of weather) chilly, keen, or frosty
  2. informal.
    1. quick; nimble; active
    2. (of a motor vehicle) small and relatively powerful
  3. (of the taste of food) biting, sharp, or pungent
  4. (of a dog) inclined to bite
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˈnippiness, noun
  • ˈnippily, adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of nippy1

First recorded in 1565–75; nip 1 + -y 1
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Example Sentences

Summer is starting to retreat and the morning air is already nippy.

But Nippy would keep on doing it until everything was gone.

The air was getting a little nippy, as Buster called it; so that several of the motorboat boys had donned their sweaters.

He remembered that he had ridden in one a few days before and that it was what he called "nifty and nippy."

Yer'd best look nippy and come into the kitchen and 'ave yer brekfus'.

Even elderly ladies who looked with abhorrence upon the drinking habit were not denied their wee bit nippy.

He directed the men to help him onto his feet and soon came back with his old-fashioned nippy gait.




