


[ nan-uh ]


  1. Chiefly Northeastern U.S. grandmother; grandma.
  2. Gulf States. godmother.
  3. Chiefly Southeastern U.S. a child's nursemaid; nanny.


/ ˈnɑːnə /


  1. slang.
    a fool
  2. slang.
    the head
  3. do one's nana slang.
    to become very angry
  4. off one's nana slang.
    mad; insane
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of nana1

1835–45; nursery word; nanny
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Word History and Origins

Origin of nana1

C19: probably from banana
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Example Sentences

Some factories do not employ Muslims on the premises who can oversee the process, Nana said.

Stern looks and mini-head shakes to Nana when she brought it up during her Christmas visit.

And Sarah, not even looking up, said, ‘Shove them up your ass, Nana.’

Maybe it is the sheltered liberals who are trying to have their Tea Nana and drink it too.

Uploaded to YouTube on March 6th, the video of Nana dancing has already gained over a million views.

While the majority pulled in one way there was an active minority that wished the Nana to set up an independent kingdom.

Returning to Bithoor the Nana was proclaimed Peishwa amid the booming of cannon and the plaudits of his retainers.

She never dreamed that she herself was a pawn in the game that was intended to bring Nana Sahib to Delhi.

He advanced towards Bithoor and took up a strong position in case Nana Sahib might attempt to recover the city.

This being seen by Nana, a king's daughter, she plucks some of the fruit, and lays it in her bosom.




