


  1. Objects from outside the Earth that enter the Earth's field of gravitation and fall to the Earth's surface. Meteors , on the other hand, are objects from space that burn up in the Earth's atmosphere .

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Meteorites are bodies that are left over from the time when the planets formed, and therefore give us clues about the formation of the solar system .
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Example Sentences

To solve the problem, we need to study a lot more comets and meteorites.

Museums of natural history display the biggest meteorites, tallest dinosaurs, and millipedes with the most legs.

A majority of these meteorites comes from collisions in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

So he pocketed sculptural meteorites and sold the less visually arresting ones to museums and other private collectors.

Only a few of these shooting stars or meteorites will be seen in looking at any one point in the heavens.

The Leonid system of meteorites did not always move in a closed orbit round our sun.

One of the meteorites slowly crumbled on top, the dust of disintegration hovering in a compact mass about the body.

We may as well suppose its materials to have been a swarm of meteorites as to suppose a chaotic fire-mist.

But this hypothesis of innumerable collisions between meteorites travelling in the same orbits does not appear very plausible.




