

Lake Victoria

  1. The largest lake in Africa , and the second-largest freshwater lake in the world, after Lake Superior . It is on the Uganda - Tanzania - Kenya border and is also called Victoria Nyanza.

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Lake Victoria is a headwater reservoir for the Nile River .
It was explored by Henry Stanley in 1875.
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Example Sentences

Epstein told me the preacher seemed gripped by paranoia, warning her of a secret witches coven that met under Lake Victoria.

Hence, while Lamboozi turned eastward toward Lake Victoria, he with his little band, turned southward.

Rushing from the Lake Victoria Nyanza like a mountain torrent, it finally loses its impetuosity, and runs over extensive flats.

Amongst the Ja-luo (northeast corner of Lake Victoria) both sexes when unmarried go naked.

Ten minutes later they were speeding along toward Lake Victoria, following the wrecking train.

The southern shore of Lake Victoria is very picturesque, as well as the line of the Rufus.



