


  1. A party opposed to the holding of public office by immigrants or Roman Catholics . The Know-Nothings, also known as “nativists,” insisted that only true, “native” Americans should serve in the government. The party was quite successful in the 1850s but split over the slavery question. Its official name was the American party. It picked up the “Know-Nothing” tag because its members, maintaining secrecy about the party's activities, customarily answered questions with, “I know nothing.”

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Today, the term know-nothing is usually applied to bigots.
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Example Sentences

Instead, the Know-Nothings were briefly a force to be reckoned with.

But what to do about the determination of Tea Party know-nothings and those who think just like them?

When you say around us, again, around us liberal arts know-nothings.

But there is a party lately come into the field, and called the Know-nothings, which requires a special notice.

As a part of the history of the times, it may be proper to give the rise and progress of the so-called order of "Know-Nothings."

The Know-nothings arose and disappeared, without accomplishing anything.

The Americans or Know-Nothings everywhere put out in 1854 full tickets and showed at once surprising strength.

She looks like she knew a awful lot, but she don't know nothings 'tall.





know-nothingknown quantity