


[ jen-er ]


  1. Edward, 1749–1823, English physician: discoverer of smallpox vaccine.
  2. Sir William, 1815–98, English physician and pathologist.


/ ˈdʒɛnə /


  1. JennerEdward17491823MEnglishMEDICINE: physician Edward 1749–1823, English physician, who discovered vaccination by showing that injections of cowpox virus produce immunity against smallpox (1796)
  2. JennerSir William18151898MEnglishMEDICINE: physicianMEDICINE: pathologist Sir William. 1815–98, English physician and pathologist, who differentiated between typhus and typhoid fevers (1849)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ jĕnər /

  1. British physician who pioneered the practice of vaccination. His experiments proved that individuals who had been inoculated with the virus that caused cowpox, a mild skin disease of cattle, became immune to smallpox. Jenner's discovery laid the foundations for the science of immunology.

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In 1980 the World Health Organization declared that the deadly disease smallpox had been eradicated, an accomplishment attributed to the success of the smallpox vaccine. The vaccine had been developed almost 200 years earlier by the British physician Edward Jenner, who had based his work on a piece of folk wisdom from the countryside that few doctors had taken seriously: people who caught cowpox, a mild viral infection of cattle, never got smallpox. In 1796 Jenner proved the truth of this scientifically in a famous experiment he conducted on an eight-year-old boy named James Phipps. Jenner exposed Phipps to a person with cowpox, then two months later exposed him to smallpox (this would be considered unethical by today's standards). As Jenner expected, the boy warded off the smallpox without any complications. Prior to this, there existed a form of vaccination against smallpox that consisted of exposing people to a mild form of the disease. Although this method often worked, it was risky, and the exposed person sometimes died. Jenner, who devised the word vaccination from the Latin vacca, for “cow,” is considered to be the father of immunology. He also did significant research on heart disease.
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Example Sentences

To Jefferson, Jenner’s preventive against ever contracting smallpox was both scientifically sound and elegant — even as he had difficulty convincing Americans that they should be vaccinated.

“If you’re born as a biological boy, you shouldn’t be allowed to compete in girls’ sports,” Jenner told TMZ, which asked her about the hot-button issue during a Sunday morning coffee run.

In 1796, Jenner scientifically legitimized the procedure of injecting people with cowpox, which he termed variolae vaccinae, to prevent smallpox.

Asked why she was running, Jenner rambled for two and a half minutes about her decision to move to San Jose nearly half a century ago to be around “great athletes” while training for the Olympics, then about her family's military service.

Jenner spent years as part of that reality-television family and, after her transition, starred in her own, less popular show.

Now Kendall Jenner is intimately interlocked with Cara Delevingne.

Delevingne regrammed the photo a few hours after Jenner, writing, “LOVE at first sight.”

Kylie and Kendall Jenner designed a line for PacSun, while Youtube Vlogger Bethany Mota has a line for Aéropostale.

Kendall Jenner Walks in Chanel Couture: Kendall Jenner is unstoppable.

The most surprising success story is, naturally, Kendall Jenner.

The differential count is best made upon a film stained with Wright's, Jenner's, or Ehrlich's stain.

Jenner's stain, which gives a somewhat similar picture, is preferred by many for differential counting of leukocytes.

British house of commons voted Dr. Jenner 10,000 for his discovery of the vaccine inoculation.

Page 117: Sentence beginning "If my voice is low, young lady" is unattributed, but in context, probably was spoken by Mr. Jenner.

Mr. Jenner, I will give you these questions and use those, if any, that are other than what you planned to use yourself.




