

View synonyms for irreparable


[ ih-rep-er-uh-buhl ]


  1. not reparable; incapable of being rectified, remedied, or made good:

    an irreparable mistake.


/ ɪˈrɛpərəbəl; ɪˈrɛprəbəl /


  1. not able to be repaired or remedied; beyond repair
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • irˌreparaˈbility, noun
  • irˈreparably, adverb
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Other Words From

  • ir·repa·ra·bili·ty ir·repa·ra·ble·ness noun
  • ir·repa·ra·bly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of irreparable1

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English word from Latin word irreparābilis. See ir- 2, reparable
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Example Sentences

The choice isn’t so coercive as to constitute irreparable constitutional harm.

From Time

Because the merits are so uncertain, Wisk has also not adequately shown irreparable injury based on misappropriation.

Last month, an Indiana state court judge, citing possible “irreparable harm” to the unemployed, ruled Indiana must continue participation in the federal unemployment benefits program.

From Time

Delaying the predevelopment work would do irreparable harm to the state.

Doing so would be a violation of my oath, do irreparable harm to our great democracy and set a dangerous precedent for future elections.

The building had to be rebuilt in 1963 after extensive damage from the Second World War was finally deemed irreparable.

Amelia must do this every day in loving Samuel—who often appears as a reminder of the irreparable past and death of Oskar.

One thing is for certain, the events of the past few weeks have done irreparable damage to the image of Nigeria.

It reached the point where it was irreparable, and the best thing to do for the entire family was to separate.

Moreover, some children's hearing losses are discovered too late; the language delay has already done irreparable damage.

Indeed the mere absence of such warnings for one stormy night would certainly result in loss irreparable to life and property.

Captain Frank Johnson, died in Philadelphia in 1844, universally respected, and regretted as an irreparable loss to society.

The moment passed by for ever; Eric had listened without objection to foul words, and the irreparable harm was done.

If he fell, the monument would find itself bereft of all its elegance, split as by some long and irreparable crack.

I tried to maintain to myself that this hidden love made no difference to the now irreparable breach between husband and wife.


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Irreparable Vs. Unrepairable

What’s the difference between irreparable and unrepairable?

Irreparable and unrepairable both mean just about the same thing: unable to be repaired or fixed.

They can be used in overlapping ways, but they are usually used in different contexts and situations.

Irreparable is the more commonly used word. It can be applied to objects, such as machines or appliances, that can’t be repaired, but it’s perhaps most commonly used in the context of intangible things like circumstances and relationships. It’s especially used with the word damage, as in I’m afraid I’ve done irreparable damage to my reputation or The iceberg caused irreparable damage to the ship’s hull.

On the other hand, unrepairable is typically reserved for physical objects that can’t be fixed, such as cars, tables, or computers, as in I hate that a lot of appliances are manufactured in a way that makes them unrepairable. Still, unrepairable can also be applied to intangible things in the same way that irreparable usually is.

Here’s an example of irreparable and unrepairable used correctly in a sentence.

Example of irreparable: Sources close to the team say that the relationship between the coaches and the players is irreparable at this point.

Example of unrepairable: I’m really hoping my mechanic doesn’t tell me my car is unrepairable—I really don’t want to buy a new one. 

Want to learn more? Read the full breakdown of the difference between irreparable and unrepairable.

Quiz yourself on irreparable vs. unrepairable!

True or False? 

Irreparable and unrepairable can sometimes be used interchangeably.



