


[ ahys-hous ]


, plural ice·hous·es [ahys, -hou-ziz].
  1. a building for storing ice.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of icehouse1

First recorded in 1680–90; ice + house
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Example Sentences

Hothouse and icehouse climates have existed in the geological past.

Mr. McBride ran his upholstery shop in the old icehouse on Lee Street, a few blocks off the square in downtown Clanton.

There was also a nice little cave, made of stones, and that was almost as cool as an icehouse.

Those that had not long suffered the cold of the icehouse, had all their movements, and went out briskly.

Some smaller buildings—the icehouse, the powder house and a sort of stable for the canoes—completed the number.

The last places to go before the fire started to burn itself out, were the icehouse and coal yard of the American Ice company.

In the illustration men are carrying ice to the circular-shaped, brick, icehouse.





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