


[ huhd-suhn ]


  1. Henry, died 1611?, English navigator and explorer.
  2. William Henry, 1841–1922, English naturalist and author.
  3. a river in E New York, flowing S to New York Bay. 306 miles (495 km) long.
  4. a town in central Massachusetts.
  5. a town in S New Hampshire.
  6. a steam locomotive having a four-wheeled front truck, six driving wheels, and a four-wheeled rear truck.


/ ˈhʌdsən /


  1. HudsonHenry1611MEnglishTRAVEL AND EXPLORATION: navigatorTRAVEL AND EXPLORATION: explorer Henry. died 1611, English navigator: he explored the Hudson River (1609) and Hudson Bay (1610), where his crew mutinied and cast him adrift to die
  2. HudsonW(illiam) H(enry)18411922MBritishArgentinianSCIENCE: naturalistWRITING: novelist W ( illiam ) H ( enry ). 1841–1922, British naturalist and novelist, born in Argentina, noted esp for his romance Green Mansions (1904) and the autobiographical Far Away and Long Ago (1918)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Hunter allegedly welcomed a baby girl with Hudson while still married to Williams, which is what prompted the TV host to file for divorce and never look back.

Those two alone give Martinez options to get key outs from either side — whether Hudson returns to his 2019 form or not.

In the next video interview, I drove out to the beautiful Croton-on-Hudson, in New York and met up with Dawn Beobide.

Lowe Mill, you see, is owned by angel investor, Jim Hudson, and the headquarters of one of Hudson’s investments occupies 7,000 square feet at the former textile mill.

They’re famous because, after defecting to the English, they helped form the Hudson’s Bay Company, which played a massive role in the settlement of Canada.

Barry showed me his room—a one bedroom with a killer view of Riverbank State Park and the Hudson.

In 1982, Hockney traveled to China on a trip organized by his editor at Thames & Hudson, Nikos Stangos.

Hudson is rare, in that he went by the same name on both sides.

One of these, Mary Rogers, went missing, only to turn up in the Hudson River in 1841.

With the help of Afuni, Kiesza began writing songs for big-name pop stars like Kylie Minogue, Icona Pop, and Jennifer Hudson.

Henry Hudson sailed from Gravesend on his first voyage for the discovery of a northwest passage to India.

A writer of the day said, “Mr. Hudson is neither better nor worse than the morality of his time.”

I thought Dr. Hudson was watching those things; I had been busy trying to make an impression for the receivers.

I think even Dr. Hudson was dumbfounded; we had not expected unconditional surrender.

I pumped Dr. Hudson's hand and assured him that we had indeed made spectacular history, and together we could make millions.





hudnaHudson Bay