

View synonyms for high place

high place


  1. (in ancient Semitic religions) a place of worship, usually a temple or altar on a hilltop.

high place


  1. Old Testament a place of idolatrous worship, esp a hilltop
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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He’s got friends in high places and they want to protect him.

If you lose sight of the bat, look for it in high places such as your curtain rod, the top of a bookshelf, or a hanging light fixture.

At 42, he has experienced more hurt and loss in high places than most who spend a lifetime there.

One fungus burns holes in flies’ bodies so spores will parachute down to infect flies below, while another fungus forces insects to go to a high place when they’re ready to die so that spores will rain from the air.

It was the night that dwellers in caves had watched from some high place among rocks.

For that, she did sacrifice her majority, but she will hold a high place in history.

As Spain, however, has fallen from the high place she once held, her colonial system has also gone down.

Adamov left the school with a gold medal and rose rapidly to a high place in the Ministry of Justice.

Until this card fever descended upon the town, it was generally regarded as occupying a high place among communities of its size.

When his father died, he returned to Virginia and inherited 25,000 acres, political supremacy and a high place in social circles.

In our "List of firms which must have a telegraphic address" Mr. Brown takes a high place.





high-pitchedhigh places