


[ hak-ing ]


  1. replacement of a single course of stonework by two or more lower courses.


/ ˈhækɪŋ /


  1. (of a cough) harsh, dry, and spasmodic
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of hacking1

1400–50; late Middle English, in literal sense. See hack 1, -ing 1
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Example Sentences

Users have no recourse against funds lost to hacking or fraud.

In September 2019, another similar vulnerability was found being exploited by the same hacking group.

Almost shouting over the phone, he suggested a lawsuit would help him show “the American people” the evidence supporting his claims, but shared only a copy of a post alleging foreign hacking that appears to no longer be online.

They also studied more than a decade's worth of reports about which of these mobile security features law enforcement and criminals have previously bypassed, or can currently, using special hacking tools.

The attack has not been attributed to a specific hacking group or state actor and there’s no confirmation of who is responsible for trying to sew coronavirus-related disinformation by seeding doctored medical documents online.

The former senior intelligence official said the hacking bore the hallmarks of a “campaign,” and not a one-off operation.

The late-November hacking of Sony, perhaps the most vicious episode of its kind, comes at the end of the period of mourning.

Of course Hollywood had no problem with hackers as long as it was the United States government they were hacking.

Because that whole celebrity hacking episode seemed rooted in misogyny.

Stasio was just one member of a vast hacking enterprise, the vanguard of a new cyber war.

It was such a partition as is effected by hacking a living man limb from limb.

The Witch did not wish me to marry the girl, so she enchanted my sword, which began hacking me to pieces.

His mother was a long while getting about again: and then she looked like a shadow, and had a short, hacking kind of cough.

He was satisfied with the present state of affairs, and was hacking at the frozen ground with his knife.

If there is present a dry hacking cough, it will be well to take Bell.





hackiehacking jacket