

View synonyms for guerrilla warfare

guerrilla warfare


  1. the use of hit-and-run tactics by small, mobile groups of irregular forces operating in territory controlled by a hostile, regular force.

guerrilla warfare

  1. Wars fought with hit-and-run tactics by small groups against an invader or against an established government. ( See counterinsurgency .)

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Word History and Origins

Origin of guerrilla warfare1

First recorded in 1835–45
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Example Sentences

Guerrilla warfare, according to author and historian Max Boot, "is the universal war of the weak."

Do you know why we are unsuccessful in asymmetrical and guerrilla warfare in CENTCOM theatre of operations?

He points out that in a full scale world war, guerrilla warfare, however romanticized and dramatic, is seldom relevant.

A war of gangs and urban warfare, guerrilla warfare and a war of bees that sting and run away and return to sting once more.

“I do guerrilla warfare,” Reed once famously said to a journalist.

Thus Hindman confesses he was encouraging the bloody guerrilla warfare which raged throughout the State.

In the art of guerrilla warfare the Indians have always shown exceptional skill.

Checked by this defeat, he again drew back into the forests, resuming his guerrilla warfare against the plantations.

Suppressed in one place, they appeared in another, waging a guerrilla warfare like that against Napoleon.

By dint of guerrilla warfare, presents, and coaxing, by the middle of 1771 the rebels were pacified and settled in towns.





guerrilla theaterGuesclin