

View synonyms for groundwork


[ ground-wurk ]


  1. foundation or basis:

    He laid the groundwork for an international conference.


/ ˈɡraʊndˌwɜːk /


  1. preliminary work as a foundation or basis
  2. the ground or background of a painting, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of groundwork1

First recorded in 1540–50; ground 1 + work
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Example Sentences

While Senate Democrats and Governor Newsom blocked our amendment efforts, we did lay the groundwork for voters themselves to permanently shelve AB 5 in the November election.

Barrios also appears to have spent some of his final time in Gómez’s office laying the groundwork for his union job.

Other records obtained by VOSD suggest that Barrios was, at the very least, using his final days in office to lay the groundwork for his private union work.

Now, as the race for a Covid-19 vaccine continues, that groundwork could make it easier to immunize against the novel coronavirus once a shot reaches the market.

From Quartz

It adds a layer of compatibility that lays the groundwork not just for brain-inspired computers, but also for brain-machine interfaces and—perhaps—a sort of “cyborg” future.

“That was a good sign,” said one operative helping to lay the groundwork for a Hillary run.

This premiere has laid down the groundwork for a war: the underdogs and underappreciated will rise.

The final victory, said Cruz, was “laying the groundwork to repeal every single word of Obamacare.”

Ravenel knows he may not win in November, but he says the run could lay the groundwork for something else down the road.

If Dostoevsky unintentionally laid the philosophical groundwork upon which Putin now stands, then Tolstoy offers the solution.

In the clear light of a window at the woman's back, her hair, with a groundwork of crimson, was overshot with iridescent lights.

Had cooked up the scheme for pulling it off and had spent a good two weeks laying the groundwork.

The valves, gear, and nozzles were perhaps improved in detail; but the groundwork was unchanged.

I chanced on a hedge-sparrow's lately, the whole groundwork of which was composed of the dry vines of the wild white convolvulus.

All this is contained in the few lines which make up verse 33, and forms the groundwork of this great parable.


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More About Groundwork

What is groundwork?

Groundwork is a foundation or basis.

Groundwork can describe an actual plot of land for a building or construct, but it can also be used figuratively to describe the beginnings of a negotiation or agreement.

Example: I’m laying the groundwork for a new partnership right now.

Where does groundwork come from?

The first records of the term groundwork come from around 1540. It combines the word ground, the surface of the earth, and work, as in “labor” or “toil.” Literally, groundwork is work done on the ground. Figuratively, it describes the beginning work of a new relationship or something similar.

Some examples of physical groundwork include installing a foundation, marking a claim of land, and removing sod or grass from a section of land. Sometimes groundwork is used to describe the beginning steps of a painting or work of art in which the backgrounds or landscapes are drawn before the subject.

Did you know … ?

What are some synonyms for groundwork?

What are some words that share a root or word element with groundwork

What are some words that often get used in discussing groundwork?

How is groundwork used in real life?

Groundwork is often used figuratively in everyday conversations.

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True or False?

Groundwork is the last step in a construction project.




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