

View synonyms for exogenous


[ ek-soj-uh-nuhs ]


  1. originating from outside; derived externally.
  2. Botany.
    1. (of plants, as the dicotyledons) having stems that grow by the addition of an annual layer of wood to the outside beneath the bark.
    2. pertaining to plants having such stems.
    3. belonging to the exogens.
  3. Pathology. (of a disease) externally caused rather than resulting from conditions within the organism.
  4. Biochemistry. of or noting the metabolic assimilation of proteins or other metabolites, the elimination of nitrogenous catabolites being in direct proportion to the amount of metabolites taken in.


/ ɛkˈsɒdʒɪnəs /


  1. having an external origin
  2. biology
    1. developing or originating outside an organism or part of an organism
    2. of or relating to external factors, such as light, that influence an organism
  3. psychiatry (of a mental illness) caused by external factors
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ĕk-sŏjə-nəs /

  1. Originating or produced from outside an organism, tissue, or cell.
  2. Compare endogenous

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Derived Forms

  • exˈogenously, adverb
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Other Words From

  • ex·oge·nism noun
  • ex·oge·nous·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of exogenous1

First recorded in 1820–30; exo- + -gen + -ous
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Example Sentences

In early February of 2021, after returning from a difficult race season, I learned that the same sample from September was re-analyzed due to a bio-passport irregularity and found to be positive for an exogenous anabolic steroid.

By sleeping in nature the way I do, I not only physically remove myself from exogenous threatening sounds and the demands of my smartphone, but also expose myself to natural light, which results in a better quality of sleep.

From Time

Yes, the record of the 2000s looks better if you treat the bust as some kind of exogenous event caused by overbearing government.

But in that case, you also have to treat the real-estate bubble as an exogenous event.

Exogenous Structures, in botany, are those which arise from superficial tissues of the parent organ, as stem-branches and leaves.

In others, the ordinary exogenous trees predominate, almost to the exclusion of others.

Let us note in this way, in the first place, the introduction of the familiar generic forms of exogenous trees.

The mechanical properties of the stems of trees, both exogenous and endogenous, render them extremely serviceable to mankind.

Trees which thus form a new ring of wood every year are called exogenous, or outside-growing.


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