
View synonyms for emanate


[ em-uh-neyt ]

verb (used without object)

, em·a·nat·ed, em·a·nat·ing.
  1. to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate.

    Synonyms: flow, spring, arise

verb (used with object)

, em·a·nat·ed, em·a·nat·ing.
  1. to send forth; emit.


/ ˈɛməˌneɪtərɪ; ˈɛməˌneɪt; -trɪ; ˈɛmənətɪv /


  1. introften foll byfrom to issue or proceed from or as from a source
  2. tr to send forth; emit
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • emanatory, adjective
  • emanative, adjective
  • ˈemaˌnator, noun
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Other Words From

  • em·a·na·tive adjective
  • em·a·na·tor noun
  • em·a·na·to·ry [em, -, uh, -n, uh, -tawr-ee], adjective
  • re·em·a·nate verb (used without object) reemanated reemanating
  • un·em·a·na·tive adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of emanate1

First recorded in 1780–90; from Latin ēmānātus “having flowed out” (past participle of ēmānāre ), equivalent to ē- “out of, from” + mān-, stem of mānāre “to flow, trickle” + -ātus adjective suffix; e- 1, -ate 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of emanate1

C18: from Latin ēmānāre to flow out, from mānāre to flow
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Example Sentences

On Twitter, the nearly verbatim language emanated from about two dozen accounts through the summer.

If you recall that distinctive tang of fresh pavement, what your nose is picking up is the volatile organic molecules emanating from the petroleum-based material.

They show the expanding limits of a ray of light—and everything else—as it emanates from an initial event, such as an explosion.

These force fields — the same entities that emanate from fridge magnets — surround Earth, the sun and all galaxies.

Earth’s field, for instance, emanates from its inner “dynamo,” the current of liquid iron churning in its core.

The concrete building from which the sounds emanate shakes from the impact, rattling the colorful houses on the dirt roads nearby.

Your bodies will emanate scent, and you will go to paradise.

Cold white wine would somehow emanate from its own spring just outside the door.

India, for its part, counter-charges that many attacks within its borders emanate from Pakistan.

The worthy Germans, who think everything excellent that does not emanate from themselves, copy this custom most conscientiously.

It may be said that an earnest Barrister should be clean shaven, but the remark would only emanate from those who are bachelors.

It would, indeed, be disrespectful in the listener not to pay intelligent heed to the discourses which emanate from the pulpit.

No such crude claims as these emanate from the skilled advertising agents employed by the Sanatogen people.

But it was not from the members of the Chamber that the movement was to emanate.


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When To Use

What are other ways to say emanate?

To emanate is to flow out or proceed, as from a source or origin. How is emanate different from emerge and issue? Find out on



