

View synonyms for diarrhea


or di·ar·rhoe·a

[ dahy-uh-ree-uh ]


, Pathology.
  1. an intestinal disorder characterized by abnormal frequency and fluidity of fecal evacuations.


/ dī′ə-rēə /

  1. Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually a symptom of a gastrointestinal disorder. Severe, prolonged diarrhea can lead to dehydration.


  1. The frequent passage of abnormally watery feces , which is a sign of illness.

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Other Words From

  • diar·rheal diar·rheic di·ar·rhet·ic [dahy-, uh, -, ret, -ik], diar·rhoeal diar·rhoeic diar·rhoetic adjective
  • anti·diar·rheal adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of diarrhea1

1350–1400; Middle English diaria < Late Latin diarrhoea < Greek diárrhoia a flowing through, equivalent to diarrho- (variant stem of diarrheîn to flow through) + -ia -ia
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Example Sentences

Other symptoms that may affect some patients include loss of taste or smell, aches and pains, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhea or skin rash.

A 2018 paper from The Lancet Infectious Diseases reported that in 195 countries, diarrhea was responsible for 1,655,944 deaths.

After a week, physicians diagnosed typhoid, a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, vomiting and fever so high it can be fatal.

From Ozy

The first known human-to-cat transmission, meanwhile, occurred in Belgium in late March, where a sick owner’s cat developed typical coronavirus-like symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, and breathing difficulties.

From Fortune

Only one boat came in the middle of 1972, which brought a lot of sickness, diarrhea, vomiting.

From Fortune

Within six days, however, the infant was admitted to a pediatric hospital with diarrhea, bluish skin, and respiratory failure.

Kids suffering from malaria or extreme diarrhea are now too often left without medical care.

For children on the brink of severe malnutrition, diarrhea can be the trigger that pushes them over the edge.

With less than a dozen toilets in the entire community, poor sanitation fuels high rates of malaria and lethal cases of diarrhea.

If you continue to have diarrhea or explosive gas, you do need to see your practitioner.

When diarrhea exists, the color may be red, even if the source of the blood is high up.

He showed that hog cholera and army diarrhea are the same disease, and come from the same cause.

I would eat things like this until I got myself a case of diarrhea—and so was cured of constipation for a time!

This species has been highly commended as a remedy in dysentery after due depletion, diarrhea, menorrhagia, and leucorrhea.

The water, however, must have been good here as we were finally getting over the diarrhea.




