

View synonyms for custodian


[ kuh-stoh-dee-uhn ]


  1. a person who has custody; keeper; guardian.
  2. a person entrusted with guarding or maintaining a property; janitor.


/ kʌsˈtəʊdɪən /


  1. a person who has custody, as of a prisoner, ward, etc
  2. a guardian or keeper, as of an art collection, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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  • cus·todi·an·ship noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of custodian1

1775–85; < Latin custōdi ( a ) watchman ( custody ) + -an
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Example Sentences

Belshe adds that the biggest crypto custodians, which also include Fidelity and Coinbase, will play a key role in working to ensure crypto continues to gain a foothold in mainstream finance.

From Fortune

Every evening, while Durga finished work, Mertens — who also started that year as a custodian — cleaned her classroom after he was finished with his other tasks, including sweeping the cafeteria and replenishing toilet paper.

For nearly six months, the rattling of cleaning carts and the pitter-patter of a skeleton crew of custodians were the only sounds at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

From Quartz

Our work as corporate custodians should extend beyond our companies as well.

From Fortune

One employee reported Carson would frequently send him photos of things needing custodian attention at school campuses.

In Britain, the state has been a very poor custodian of children vulnerable to sexual predators.

Michael Suchar, age 56, school custodian, went to the aid of Mr. Wragg and was also shot.

She described arriving at school and hearing shots and seeing the principal and the custodian lying dead.

Both girls had witnessed the death of the principal and the custodian.

For his granddaughter, being a custodian of his legacy is a matter a pride—but also a burden.

The custodian's booth was closed, but there was a small gate in the great entrance and we walked in.

A single winding footpath leads to the grim old gateway, and we rang the bell many times before the custodian admitted us.

Just in front of it is the cottage of the old custodian, who seemed considerably troubled by our application to visit the ruins.

This is open to visitors and we were shown every part of the house by the tenant, who is also custodian.

It is not, however, open to much doubt that the Department was not a very successful custodian of the trade autonomy principle.




