

View synonyms for crockery


[ krok-uh-ree ]


  1. crocks collectively; earthenware.


/ ˈkrɒkərɪ /


  1. china dishes, earthen vessels, etc, collectively
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of crockery1

First recorded in 1710–20; crock 1 + -ery
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Example Sentences

To stave off death you’ll have to confront a witch who likes to replace her subjects’ heads with crockery, a Napoleon-like frog with a string of titles that proclaim his glory and a mountain-dwelling yeti named Betty.

The threat is more immediate in Manuela Viera Gallo’s jagged necklaces, made of broken crockery and other trashed household objects.

There's the "finale" we should be seeking after the broken crockery from the Tea Party tantrum is cleared away.

He also could be maddening to work with, dominating any situation and breaking a lot of crockery in the process.

Some bits of broken crockery furnished his table, a board wedged against the rock.

He drew loads of boards from the saw-mill, and loads of crockery from the various village stores.

I was sawing up a few more sticks from the orchard, when the express man drove up with the beds, the crockery, and so on.

It was in trying to grab something that she lost control, and fell, barge and all after her crockery into the sea.

Always an unruly fellow, and dangerous to trust among crockery.




