

View synonyms for cognizant


[ kog-nuh-zuhnt, kon-uh- ]


  1. having cognizance; aware (usually followed by of ):

    He was cognizant of the difficulty.

  2. having legal cognizance or jurisdiction.


/ ˈkɒnɪ-; ˈkɒɡnɪzənt /


  1. usually foll by of aware; having knowledge
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • non·cogni·zant adjective
  • non·cogni·zant·ly adverb
  • pre·cogni·zant adjective
  • un·cogni·zant adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cognizant1

First recorded in 1810–20; cogniz(ance) + -ant
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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

Maher says the Wikimedia Foundation is cognizant of this, and is working on ways to support the knowledge ecosystem upon which Wikipedia relies.

From Time

You have to be cognizant that not everyone has the awareness that we do.

From Digiday

That doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but it means that producers have to be extra cognizant to manage communication so that wires don’t get crossed — and the brand executives allow the producers and crew members to do their jobs.

From Digiday

For publishers, this means they will need to be more cognizant of the diversity on their teams as well as the diversity they are putting forth in their content.

From Digiday

Without the in-person meetings and ways to build relationships, publishers are cognizant of agency exec’s time.

From Digiday

You starred on Entourage, but also seem to be cognizant of classism.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Ehrlich seemed cognizant of the political implications of his trip to New Hampshire.

One in four of us are forced to live through the violent assaults that these men resent being made cognizant of.

“We have to be cognizant of the fact that we all could have conflict minerals in our products,” said Leet.

Half awake, in her bed, she tried to remain cognizant as she talked on the phone.

Thou wearied patient Heroine; cognizant of the infinitely little!

Alice Mendon, who was quite cognizant of the whole matter, but was broad enough to leap to the aid of another woman, did much.

Opinion among the forest race, makes the whole animated creation cognizant and intelligent of their customs.

Napoleon, himself a sceptic, was cognizant of this slave philosophy.

I knew a little about boats, and made the Captain cognizant of the fact.


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More About Cognizant

What does cognizant mean?

To be cognizant of something is to be aware of it or have knowledge of it.

Such awareness can be called cognizance.

Cognizant is almost always followed by the word of and the thing that the person is cognizant of, as in He was cognizant of the report at the time. It’s often used in the phrase cognizant of the fact, as in I’m cognizant of the fact that you dislike me, but we still need to work together to get this done.

Cognizant is typically used in a formal way. The adjective aware means much the same thing but is used more broadly.

Example: At what point did you become cognizant of the fact that you were not receiving everything that you were promised?

Where does cognizant come from?

The first records of cognizant come from around 1820. It’s an adjective form of the noun cognizance, which is recorded much earlier, in the 1200s. It ultimately comes from the Latin cognōscere, meaning “to know.” The word cognition is based on the same root.

Being cognizant doesn’t involve cognition so much as recognition. Being cognizant of something is recognizing that it exists, having knowledge of it, or being aware of it.

Cognizant is used in a more specific way in a legal context. The noun cognizance can refer to a court’s right to jurisdiction in a case, or to knowledge of certain facts, or, sometimes, to a confession. The adjective cognizant can be applied in any of these situations. The related word recognizance is also used in a legal context, often referring to an obligation to appear before a court or perform some other legal action, as in He was released on his own recognizance.  

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to cognizant?

  • noncognizant (adjective)
  • noncognizantly (adverb)
  • precognizant (adjective)
  • uncognizant (adjective)
  • cognizance (noun)

What are some synonyms for cognizant?

What are some words that share a root or word element with cognizant

What are some words that often get used in discussing cognizant?

How is cognizant used in real life?

Cognizant is typically used in a formal way.



Try using cognizant!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of cognizant?

A. aware
B. conscious
C. informed
D. ignorant



