

Cape Hatteras

  1. Promontory on Hatteras Island off North Carolina , a low, sandy barrier island between the Atlantic Ocean and Pamlico Sound.

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Called the “Graveyard of the Atlantic” because of the frequent storms that drive ships landward to their destruction.
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Example Sentences

Where it passes Cape Hatteras it has already lost a large share of its momentum and much of its heat, and is greatly widened.

It was over six hundred miles to Cape Hatteras, and she had room enough to manœuvre in any manner she pleased.

On the 12th were off Cape Hatteras, the winds blowing heavily from the northeast, and the smack under double-reefed sails.

The statement of encyclopædias that Vespucci "probably got as far north as Cape Hatteras" is ridiculous.

Thereafter the voyage was thru calm water, not even Cape Hatteras proving sufficient to stir up trouble.



