

View synonyms for bowel movement

bowel movement


  1. the evacuation of the bowels; defecation.
  2. excrement from the bowels; feces.

bowel movement


  1. the discharge of faeces; defecation
  2. the waste matter discharged; faeces
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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She also mentioned that she had noticed a correlation between her long runs and the uncomfortable bowel movements, which seemed to become less formed and more frequent as her intense training months dragged on.

They include never leaving any trash, camping on durable surfaces, leaving behind what you find, and burying your bowel movements.

If we eliminate them, the website Eat This, Not That claims that we can slow down aging, have less cellulite and even have better bowel movements.

Anything in your gut sticks to the surface of charcoal like a magnet and gets carried out through a bowel movement.

When troubled with too much bowel movement, give one tablespoonful ginger and flour, mixed, once each day in both cases.

Gitubul siya maung dúgayng nalibang, It took him long to have his bowel movement because he is constipated.

The periodicity of the bowel movement (at definite times each day) is a matter of great importance.

This will in nearly all cases insure a speedy and satisfactory bowel movement.

In this form of constipation there is a daily bowel movement but the movement is not complete.




