

View synonyms for assistance


[ uh-sis-tuhns ]


  1. the act of assisting; help; aid; support.


/ əˈsɪstəns /


  1. help; support
  2. the act of assisting
  3. informal.
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • reas·sistance noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of assistance1

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English assistence, from Medieval Latin assistentia; assist + -ance
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Example Sentences

The city of San Diego redistricting commission did not respond to requests from Voice of San Diego about its plans for language assistance.

It also launched a “help map” inside its app, which allowed users to flag in their profile that they were available to help neighbors who might need assistance amid the pandemic.

From Vox

Olivia Wein, a staff attorney for the National Consumer Law Center, said she feared that Lifeline could face the same fights that plague the annual funding for home energy assistance and many other federal aid programs.

Carlos, to that point, I can absolutely say that there are people who do need more assistance.

From Ozy

The driver called his cousins for assistance, according to police.

It took a blow to the head from Clark and the assistance of three deputies to subdue her.

In 2011, only 27 percent of families living in poverty were receiving welfare assistance.

The ISI came to the CIA for assistance in fostering a revolt that had developed in the Afghan countryside against Communist rule.

They provide their own assistance and we are grateful to them for this.

And thank you, USDA Cranberry Market Loss Assistance Program, for the cranberry sauce.

In the darkness and confusion I did not distinguish the face of the man who rendered me this assistance.

Thinking to escape and summon assistance from the cantonment, Douglas mounted the wall and leaped into the moat.

Two of the artillerymen who had not been injured came to his assistance, and again the gun was thundering forth its defiance.

Then he held down a hand to her, bade her set her foot on his, and called with an oath to Rabecque to lend her his assistance.

You are very kind, sir,” he said; “my companions and I shall feel deeply indebted to you for this opportune assistance.





assistassistance animal