

View synonyms for assembly


[ uh-sem-blee ]


, plural as·sem·blies.
  1. an assembling or coming together of a number of persons, usually for a particular purpose:

    The principal will speak to all the students at Friday's assembly.

    Synonyms: meeting, congress, gathering, assemblage

  2. a group of persons gathered together, usually for a particular purpose, whether religious, political, educational, or social.

    Synonyms: throng, meeting, congress, gathering, assemblage

  3. (often initial capital letter) Government. a legislative body, especially the lower house of the legislature in certain states of the U.S.:

    a bill before the assembly; the New York State Assembly.

    Synonyms: congress

  4. Military.
    1. a signal, as by drum or bugle, for troops to fall into ranks or otherwise assemble.
    2. the movement of forces, tanks, soldiers, etc., scattered by battle or battle drill, toward and into a small area.
  5. the putting together of complex machinery, as airplanes, from interchangeable parts of standard dimensions.
  6. Machinery. a group of machine parts, especially one forming a self-contained, independently mounted unit. Compare subassembly.



/ əˈsɛmblɪ /


  1. the lower chamber in various American state legislatures See also House of Assembly legislative assembly National Assembly
  2. short for General Assembly
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ əˈsɛmblɪ /


  1. a number of people gathered together, esp for a formal meeting held at regular intervals
  2. the act of assembling or the state of being assembled
  3. the process of putting together a number of parts to make a machine or other product
  4. machinery a group of mating components before or after fitting together
  5. military
    1. a signal for personnel to assemble, as by drum, bugle, etc
    2. ( as modifier )

      an assembly area

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • preas·sembly noun plural preassemblies
  • reas·sembly noun plural reassemblies
  • self-as·sembly noun plural selfassemblies
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Word History and Origins

Origin of assembly1

1275–1325; Middle English assemblee < Middle French, literally, (that which is) assembled, feminine past participle of assembler to assemble
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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

Police in riot gear—and others camouflaged in plain clothes—made nearly 300 arrests, citing the majority for “unlawful assembly.”

From Fortune

They have to pay employees to fill out the forms, but they could have someone doing that for $15 an hour, so it’s probably just a mass assembly line.

Over time, Shih argues, outsourcing has cannibalized not only the assembly line jobs we associate with the factory floor, but the whole chain of intellectual effort that makes those jobs possible.

Every aspect of project management, systems engineering, risk management, and logistics of the machine assembly must perform together with the precision of a Swiss watch.

The economy is changing at a rate of speed that looks like something that I’m sure people who didn’t have electrification, and they got electricity, and then we had assembly lines, felt.

His son, Yaqoob Bizenjo, served as a member of the National Assembly until 2013.

The FSLN-controlled legislative assembly approved the mega-project under a cloud of secrecy in a record seven days.

At break time, the entire assembly line would run over to play the machines that were ready to be shipped out.

Call your state senators, your assembly members, your mayors, and your city councils.

A representative assembly, John Adams wrote in 1776, “should be in miniature an exact portrait of the people at large.”

What course was taken to supply that assembly when any noble family became extinct?

Opening of the national assembly of France, after the abdication of Louis Philippe.

Struck with surprise, the dead silence of profound awe, for an instant stilled the whole assembly.

"We yield obedience to the act granting duties," declared the Massachusetts Assembly.

Fresh Commissioners came from the Assembly, and it was only their fortunate recall to Paris that saved the general from arrest.


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More About Assembly

What does assembly mean?

An assembly is a gathering of people, usually for some specific reason, as in The preacher gave a sermon before the assembly. 

Assembly is used to refer to a group of people who have gathered together. Usually, the people have a reason to come together such as for religious, political, or social purposes.

Assembly can also refer to the gathering or coming together of people, as in The principal organized an assembly of all of the parents. 

Assembly can also refer to a legislative body in which politicians gather to perform the political process. In this case, assembly is often capitalized when it’s a part of the name of the body, as in The bill was discussed by the California State Assembly. 

Lastly, assembly can refer to the act of putting something together or fitting parts together, as in Jorge helped his granddaughter with the assembly of the model airplane. 

Assembly comes from the verb assemble, which usually means to gather things or people together, as in The players assembled into a group huddle.

Example: The police chief spoke to an assembly of citizens concerned about theft in the neighborhood.

Where does assembly come from?

The first records of assembly come from around 1275. It ultimately comes from the Middle French verb assembler, meaning “to assemble.” Simply put, an assembly is a group of people who have assembled, or gathered.

Assembly is similar to words such as crowd, flock, and congregation. However, assembly and congregation are often used to mean that people have gathered in an organized manner for a specific reason or purpose, while crowd and flock might be used to describe a group of people who are disorganized or who aren’t all in a place for the same reason, as at a shopping center.

Assembly is also used to refer to putting parts together in order to build something. Many parents are often dismayed to discover that toys for their children are labeled as “some assembly required” because this usually means their child (or, more likely, themselves) will have to build the toy before anyone can play with it.

Did you know … ?

What are some other forms related to assembly?

  • preassembly (noun)
  • reassembly
  • self-assembly (noun)

What are some synonyms for assembly?

What are some words that share a root or word element with assembly

What are some words that often get used in discussing assembly?

How is assembly used in real life?

Assembly is a common word that often refers to legislative bodies.

Try using assembly!

Which of the following words is NOT a synonym of assembly?

A. crowd
B. individual
C. group
D. flock




Assemblies of Godassembly district