


[ awl-buh-nee ]


  1. a city in and the capital of New York, in the eastern part, on the Hudson.
  2. a city in southwestern Georgia.
  3. a city in western Oregon.
  4. a seaport in southwestern Australia: known as a resort town.
  5. a city in western California, on San Francisco Bay.
  6. a river in central Canada, flowing east from western Ontario to James Bay. 610 miles (980 km) long.


/ ˈɔːlbənɪ /


  1. a city in E New York State, on the Hudson River: the state capital. Pop: 93 919 (2003 est)
  2. a river in central Canada, flowing east and northeast to James Bay. Length: 982 km (610 miles)
  3. a port in southwest Western Australia: founded as a penal colony. Pop: 22 415 (2001)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. State capital located in eastern New York , on the west bank of the Hudson River .

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Involved with much shipping, Albany is a major transshipment point. It used to be an important fur-trading center.
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Example Sentences

A group of former legislative staffers from Albany, who formed a working group to combat workplace harassment in politics, has echoed that call.

Bill Hammond, a health care policy analyst at the Empire Center, an Albany think tank, said those findings raise “new questions about the accuracy of the limited numbers the department has released.”

As the Albany event ends, a man who addressed the crowd earlier wanders among the cars.

When Chad Holland moved to Albany, Georgia, in 2007, just down the road from Plant Mitchell, he didn’t think twice about his water source.

New York mayors have a history of acting like the most powerful person in one of the most important cities in the world — which, to be honest, is not entirely inaccurate — but a lot of the city’s leverage runs through Albany, the state capitol.

Tim Russert and I are driving back to the Albany airport after taking our kids to the baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.

The pre-war records in Albany revealed a conviction the fellow earned at 16 before going off to war.

In our Capitol, Albany lawmakers enjoy a flood of money, personal accounts, and protection for incumbents against attacks.

Albany is not a place filled with people, but merely a place where state government operates and Cuomo can work to pass laws.

Reality check: Perfect is never on the menu, especially in Albany.

A convention of delegates to revise the constitution of New York met at Albany.

A convention was held at Albany, for the purpose of concluding a treaty with the Six Nations.

A convention of the states at Albany proposed a union for defence against the common enemy.

Peter Gansevoort, a distinguished American officer, died at Albany, aged 63.

The Albany Journal tells us of a dog in that city, who has formed the habit of regarding a shadow with a great deal of interest.





AlbanoAlbany Congress