

View synonyms for airline


[ air-lahyn ]


  1. Aeronautics.
    1. a system furnishing air transport, usually scheduled, between specified points.
    2. the airplanes, airports, etc., of such a system.
    3. Often airlines. a company that owns or operates such a system.
  2. a direct line; beeline.
  3. an airhose used to pipe air to a deep-sea diver, pneumatic drill, etc.


  1. of or on an airline.


/ ˈɛəˌlaɪn /


    1. a system or organization that provides scheduled flights for passengers or cargo
    2. ( as modifier )

      an airline pilot

  1. a hose or tube carrying air under pressure
  2. a beeline
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of airline1

First recorded in 1910–15; air 1 + line 1
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Example Sentences

They were the first airline to require masks for flight attendants, and among the first to say they would not let customers fly who refused to wear masks.

From Fortune

The crystallization of aviation’s potentially hydrogen-hued future does nothing to change the fact that, in 2020, airlines are far more preoccupied with staying alive than they are with taking on new aircraft.

From Fortune

Prices for the holidays should be attractive, given that airlines need to boost demand.

From Fortune

The airline kept mentioning the process used to clean the airplane.

From Fortune

That said airlines have instituted some measures to help reduce that risk.

Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole.

Did the airline file a flight plan that took account of the weather en route from Surabaya, Indonesia, to Singapore?

Like him, they identified the Airbus A320 as an airplane extremely well fitted to low cost airline operations in Asia.

Malaysian-based entrepreneur Tony Fernandes has turned AirAsia into the most successful low cost airline in southeast Asia.

Search teams find dozens of people and jet debris floating in the Java Sea, as the airline confirms the wreckage is from QZ8501.

For, given water, they were very good lands indeed, and Western Airline was prepared to sell them with a water guarantee.

He had so come to look upon Western Airline as an irresistible force, that the concept of an immovable body was quite beyond him.

And this boy fixed me up with his sister who was an airline stewardess.

Returning to this date that you had with this airline stewardess, did she tell you anything about Oswald?

Oswald once dated an airline stewardess who was learning Russian.





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